Donald Trump for President

greyfield 3917

Here's my take on a Public Support Gagarin deck. It leverages the punishing cost of Gagarin to get big drip going and push the runner to constantly trash Public Supports; if they let them go, the Supports provide excellent fuel for Corporate Town (for the DLR deck) and Archer (for unwary runners). Executive Boot Camp is primarily a tutor for the Town and Blacklist, but also gives some drip of its own.

The agenda mix is fungible - these days, I'm really liking the ten 2s mix, especially in decks like this one that can net the seventh point rather easily. It mitigates some variance, especially against multi-access. But sixteen ice may be thin, especially against Whizzard, so I could see rearranging them in certain metagames.

29 Aug 2015 Bigguyforyou518

What a great combo! This has inspired me to try out a new Gagarin deck, thank you!

29 Aug 2015 esutter479

I haven't been playing Gagarin for very long, but I gotta say...this looks really sweet! I'll definitely have to give it a try once UoT becomes tourney legal.

29 Aug 2015 skydivingninja

After running vegan Gagarin for a long time I kind of gave up on it until I saw the Universe of Tomorrow spoilers. I didn't think of using Corporate Town/Archer and Public Support but I'll definitely try it now.

Would Tour Guide be a good fit in this deck? It dies to Parasite, sure, but it could be an easy way to defend something like Public Support early game.

Is there also a good place to fit Capital Investors? That card is so great as both econ and a tax.

29 Aug 2015 trianglesoup

I feel like paywall implementation is such a good fit in gagarin, it really taxes the runner further because they don't want to have to run to check every remote knowing you're gaining money for it.

It might be a bit tough with the influence but once you hit D & D global food initiative is soo good. NAPD can still be taxing if the runner isn't using film critic but global food taxes the runner and gives you access to a lower agenda count.

30 Aug 2015 Axlotl

Playing Gagarin with Public also, I much prefer Tech Support over Boot Camp. Tech Support enables 1 Melange as an emergency "I need 7 credits now, Tech Support into Melange".

1 Sep 2015 Vimes

@Axlotl I agree that Tech Startup can be stronger with most econ assets but Boot Camp has some additional tech working for it as well. Foremost, it allows you to rez ice on your scoring remote to help counteract Blackmail runs. You can also use its tutor ability to trash it if the runner comes after it. Minorly, if this card is accessed off R&D it is two more to trash, whereas Tech makes it much easier for them to see an additional card. I think it benefits from certain cards that are not present in here, such as the Melange you mentioned, Contract Killer, and Capital Investors. All those would be strong here so I can totally see some changes being made in Tech's favor. A question on timing windows: you would not be able to use Tech Startup to install a card, then rez that card before Expo Grid goes off, would you? IIRC you forfeit start of turn abilities with it.

1 Sep 2015 Vimes

Sorry for the double, but I'm also worried about playing things like Gagarin trash asset at a time when Noise and his Imp is so plentiful. I wonder if you could fit a Cyberdex Virus Suite into this for just that kind of reason. The other upgrade I see really working alongside this kind of deck is Will-o'-the-Wisp, since they'll want to make a successful run to trash things, and this could open up a window. Maybe Power Shutdown works better with Cyberdex though since it will prompt archives runs? It messes your clicks on your scoring window though and is less consistent.

5 Sep 2015 taisun93

What are you using the money for? Your ice seem taxing and you don't have something like ash or sea scorch you're building towards with a credit differential.

11 Sep 2015 vor_lord

@taisun93 I've been playing a somewhat modified version and I do seem to end up having a lot of cash without anything great to spend it on. I slotted a Tollbooth which helps. Fitting in an Ash 2X3ZB9CY is something I want to try.

I did get absolutely wrecked by a Valencia/Itinerant Protesters/Fan Site/Frame Job deck. 4 bad pub completely erases my tax and there is no backup plan.

Cyberdex Virus Suite and Interns, along with a great use of Blacklist and Corporate Town , crushed Noise in my only matchup with him so far. Felt very good.

15 Sep 2015 cortexjackal

Can you actually use Public Support to fuel Corporate Town since the card reads "an agenda" not "an agenda point"? Same issue with archer.

15 Sep 2015 cortexjackal

Scratch my earlier comment. I just read Public Support more closely. Forgive me for doubting.

16 Sep 2015 greyfield

I've moved on to other decks by this point, but I agree that an Ash or some other kind of perfect remote protection (I hesitate to say OTG/Crisium, but... eh?) is required. I post a lot of decklists more as "this is something I had fun with, let's see if someone can run further with it", and I'm glad people are finding things to do with the gaps that half a dozen games on OCTGN can't always show.