Blood Money 4.0

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fs1973 57

Lots of ice, to ensure lots of central protection and one big expensive remote server. Almost all ice (19 of 21) has end the run routines and offer diferent solutions.

All economy is non-trashable, based on transaction operation cards that benefit from the identity chosen.

Corporate Troubleshooter works here to defend our agendas and promote some program trashing with Rotos and Archers. Archers can be rezzed through the easy score of Hostile Takeovers and the cleaners will amplify Punitive Counterstrikes meat damage.

Hopefully with this deck i can score agendas fast enough, before the runners stills them all.

19 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

seems like it's starting to look pretty good, honestly I'd do -1 pop up -1 bastion +1 wraparound (as long as wrap is 1 inf like I seem to remember it). That in addition to the singleton of swordsman should be enough surprise atman hate. I'd play it a bit and see how it looks and what archetypes it is losing to.

19 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

above you could add the 3rd punitive or 1 shadow, shadow is suprisingly underrated.

19 Jun 2014 fs1973

Maybe i'll swap a bastion for a wraparound, it's cheaper and stronger on early game. I'm not sure about shadow cause it doesn't end the run.

I was considering dropping successful demonstration (as it's a conditional card that i can only play IF...) and adding to this 2xJackson Howard to speed up card flow and also to be able to put back in play corporate troubleshooter and transaction operations. In this case i would need to create a second secure remote server. Is it too much risky?

19 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

I play my jacksons out in the open 90% of the time anyway. Shadow would be for R&D or archives and sometimes HQ, its pure tax, no runner will hold tags against weyland, and you gain 2c on a faceplant, rezzing it for 1 and you stick a tag usually, its solid early ice, and fair inside job protection later.

19 Jun 2014 fs1973

I see. I could drop one Archer to include a Shadow. Do you think that this deck would become stronger by swapping Successful Demonstration for Jackson Howard? I'm just considering this because SD is so conditional. I hate having a card on hand that i cannot play because there's a requirement (other than money) that must be met.

Also, should i drop punitive Counterstrike to add in SE and try to get some tagging ice? I'm just not sure if Punitive Countersrike is that destructive to the runner.

19 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

I feel like 2 successful demo can be great for keeping up tempo, and recovering after a big troubleshooter drop, so maybe not drop it. Jackson does help against agenda flood obviously which is good, but I think you're rushing anyway, especially if you keep PC in the deck, and have them in hand. I would not worry about tagging ice, no runner will ever hold tags vs weyland. You're fine to run w/o scorched in this build. Truth told I ran a pay to win with PC deck for a while: So I kinda know how it runs.

20 Jun 2014 fs1973

Saw your Weyland Deck and read your description. Very helpful. After reading all comments and thinking a lot about it, i think i will let this deck like it is. It's time to play with it and see it's strenghts and weaknesses. In a few weeks i'll evaluate it again. Thanks for all the help :)