Shiiuga 1266

I KNEW there was a reason I named the deck this when I built it in Iain a while back. My brain was subconsciously waiting for Rebirth, the newly spoiled card from the Mumbad cycle.

WARNING: Below there be spoilers. If you don't like spoilers, don't read any further.

So Rebirth is something, eh? As a perennial Iain Stirling: Retired Spook fan, and lamenter of his Criminal (see what I did there?) lack of influence, Rebirth is a godsend. Where most decks would be spending a card slot and an influence to use it, by switching to Iain you are spending a deckslot to GAIN 4. I suspect a similar kind of economy will find its way in to CT/Kit swaps, allowing you to effectively build a 39 card, 15 influence Kit deck.

A couple of notes before we begin: Employee Strike is a proxy for Rebirth, as it is the same card type, neutral, and the same influence cost. Furthermore this is very much an Iain Stirling deck. You probably won't have a whole lot of luck with it if you switch to another Criminal ID with Rebirth. You probably won't have much luck with it in Iain either, but that's by the by.

The basic premise is pretty simple. You start the game as Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie, making use of her ability to draw a starting hand of 9 cards. In this starting hand you want to see either the Rebirth itself, or a Logos. If you don't get either, get your Mulligan on. At the very worst you might get a Fisk Investment Seminar.

The chances of you pulling one of the 4 cards in the opening 9 are 59%, and if you need to Mulligan, the chances of seeing one across both draws goes up to 87%. Pretty good odds, all things considered.

From there the game plan is dependent on which card you drew. Rebirth is obviously preferable, because you can immediately morph in to Iain, but because of how his ability works it isn't the end of the world if the Corp scores an agenda to let you pull it out with your Logos.

Anyway, the rest is pretty straightforward. Build up your Iain rig like normal and switch at the earliest possible opportunity. Between his ability, Daily Casts, Data Folding and Underworld Contact you can potentially bring in 6-10 credits a turn from drip, and there's a decent chance they'll start coming out early with your Andy draw boost. 10 credits a turn even makes losing 1 to Drug Dealer seem pretty reasonable.

I'm sad to have to take out Turntable from my Iain decks, but Logos is so essential to the plan here that it didn't seem prudent to leave it in. This also frees up even more influence to spend on a real, no foolin' icebreaker suite, even fitting some recursion and multiaccess in to boot.