Keung Fury

yarsiemanym 237

This deck is untested but it seems like a descent idea.


  1. Joshua B. protected by Fall Guy and/or Wireless Net Pavilion
  2. Obelus
  3. Gain extra clicks to build up tags and gain extra hand size
  4. Eater, cutlery to keep Archives clear
  5. Multi-access on HQ/R&D with Nerve Agent/Medium (also happens to draw lots of cards from Obelus)

Other cards:

  1. Mimic in case off Swordsman
  2. Faust to snipe remotes leveraging extra hand size from Obelus
  3. Prepaid VoicePAD to subsidize events
  4. Day Job becomes more useful with Prepaid VoicePAD and Joshua B.
  5. Sure Gamble because money
  6. Immolation Script to carve a path into a remote server mid to late game.
13 Oct 2016 Vaelant

A little meat protection might be a good shout now that BOOM! is a thing. I like the idea though, I do think going 3 of all cutlery + Planning is a little overkill on the event side of things though.

13 Oct 2016 yarsiemanym

Yeah, you might be right. Maybe -1 Forked, -1 Spooned, -1 Knifed, +1 Same Old Thing, +2 Plascrete Carapace.

13 Oct 2016 seiya

what happens when some NBN deck plays The All-Seeing I ? Also, BOOM! might be a big issue