Maximum Faust

mmc31 56

I've been sporting a huge maxx deck for a little over a month, and it is the best thing ever. Here is why I think it is awesome:

Never worry about Levy. It is like you have a built in levy already done for you at the start of the game. Chronos Project? Don't care.

Consistency is still key: there are many cards that do the same thing for you, so even with 72 (or 75) cards you will still see what you need to get through early game ICE. Most decks I see aren't even running 3x of each of their main icebreakers!

At the heart of this deck is Faust. Faust is awesome as I think we all know, but Fausting with MaxX is rediculous, because it is already like you have a wyldside installed from turn 1. In order to get Faust early, you have 3x Faust, 3x self-mod, and a host of recursion if your deck drops one into the heap. If NONE of that works early, you will probably have found parasite and the relevant regular icebreaker you need. I tried running DDoS for the early game pre-faust, but wasn't impressed.

It is rare to not have a way into Faust by turn 3 (without any drawing, you've seen 8 cards in hand, and 6 in heap - and chances are more likely than not that one of those is either faust or self-mod).

In the past, I used 3x special order, and 1x levy, but found that levy was a waste of time and self-mod is just sooo much better.

This deck has a lot of filler econ and endgame tactics possiblities (maybe medium/nerve agent for multiaccess instead of keyhole)

Against NeH, MaxX has incredible econ power with her free draws, enabling you to focus on some good early game econ to keep up.

Supermodernism builds are DOA with how strangely consistent this large deck is.

Glacier decks crumble to d4vid, faust, and cutlery. They won't be keeping you out long and Keyhole is always there for you.

15 Sep 2015 TheDecepticons

I want to like this deck, i really do. It in some ways is the same concept as one i made last month as well. i dont mind large decks, but i chose to shrink it a little and use Levy AR myself. Only since i want to recycle the deck quicker. There is some filler tactics that could be used, or just as padding.

Though that being said, i think that the real problem with it is that it seems to be lacking card draw. Unless there was more, i think that you would be better off spending the influence on E3 Feedback Implants. Clone Chip is ok, but if the card count was lower, or if you had more card draw, you could probably cut one out, and maybe even free up a bit more by cutting down a Self-modifying Code. If Faust is centered as your main breaker of choice i think you could lower the total down one or two.

I also play the Forked/Knifed/Spooned/Parasite set. And Faust makes them so good to trash off their Ice. I like Keyhole, but in this situation i think that you would be better off with Medium/Nerve Agent.

But these are all suggestions though. If it works for you its all good. To me it just looks like you have a bigger stack that almost makes it seem like you want to go a touch slower with Faust, due to a lighter amount of card draw. If the corp packs down a server tight with Ice with multiple subs, what happens if you are going to need to pitch more than 5 cards to get in. E3 Feedback Implants would greatly help with that. I've pitched 14 on a run before. Though, go and check out the list i did. I know you arn't too set on 6-9 influence on Levy AR, though my stack recycles quicker since i draw so much.

15 Sep 2015 mmc31

@TheDecepticons Understand where you are coming from here. I used to run 3x Wyldside 3x Adjusted Chronotype 3x Inject 1x Vigil and 1x Levy AR Lab Access. I found I was never using much of that card draw I was packing, so I think it is largely a meta call how much draw you want to pack. Another reason I removed this stuff is because on corp side I was playing HB glacier, so I wanted my runner to be as fast as possible.

In the tournament I played this in, I faced 4 NBN decks: 2 Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center 1 Haarpsichord Studios 1 NBN: Making News. I actually didn't use a single piece of cutlery.