"Aggressive Troubleshooters" goes for the moon! Ver: 0.3

Henkka 91

Blue Sun version of the deck. Not sure about Targeted Marketing. I find the Aggressive Secretary interaction with Blue Sun: Powering the Future particularly cute. :)

This will probably not work, though..

Ver 0.2:

Dropper the Targeted Marketings. Dropped one Aggressive Secretary, because runners tend to not run my remotes with upgrades installed, fearing the troubleshooter. I'm trying Adonis Campaign in place of the Targeted Marketing. In theory it should be amazing, but we'll see.

Ver 0.3:

Yep, Shell Corporation was awful. I added one more Will-o'-the-Wisp in its place. Adonis Campaign is ridiculously good in this deck. Love it, love it, love it. This deck actually doesn't like bad publicity that much, so I'm testing Corporate War in place of Geothermal Fracking to see how often it would bite me in the ass.

29 Nov 2014 lajcik

Corporate war is actually very good in Blue Sun. You can pick something up just to get the extra 7 credits from scoring the Agenda. Try it!