Nobody Expects The Chairman Hiro!

Murphy 1416

I played this deck in a recent tournament ( with decent success. 3 wins out of 5 rounds (I think I would have won another game if I didn't screw up a Hiro play). I have a video recorded for SanSan Francisco that will be online in the next couple weeks.

There are a few paths to victory here but Genomics really unlocks Hiro. You want to make sure they go down on credits before installing Hiro. Installing a NAPD or something helps there. NAPD could probably be Fetal AI since I try to Mushin that usually anyway.

Genomics is a lot of fun! Some of the weaknesses I have noticed are the usual things that hurt PE: Siphon, Leela, Expose, etc. You can just play around these though. I just rez the Ronins before Leela has a chance to steal an agenda. A pup and some face downs make the Ronins REALLY tough to deal with.

Hostile Infrastructure is too expensive for the effect. You already have built in tax with Genomics so there is no need for additional tax (although it is funny vs Keyhole).

You don't really need more than 2-4 face downs. People almost never trash Adonis at 5 or 6 credits and sometimes people don't trash the Overwriters after accessing them if the cost is above 0 (which opens up ToL later).

I forgot to include Hedge Fund when I first made the deck. It would probably be good to include but I'm not sure what to take out (the naked robot dance party will NEVER be removed).

12 Jan 2015 vor_lord
12 Jan 2015 Wolf88

Hostile Takeover??

12 Jan 2015 quinjamincy

Have you considered trying Self-destruct to protect Chairman Hiro? I can see where a surprise Imp could give the runner two extra points. Also, do you find it a worthwhile use of influence for Adonis Campaign over, say, Sundew or PAD Campaign?

12 Jan 2015 shatner

I'm pretty sure he meant Hostile Infrastructure (an asset that deals the runner 1 net damage when they trash a corp card).

12 Jan 2015 Murphy

@bw Don't have the slots for 3 for 1s! Although that would be a fun one for sure!

12 Jan 2015 Murphy

@Wolf88 I meant Hostile Infrastructure although I will try out Takeover if that ever becomes legal.

@quinjamincy Not really. Imp is certainly a problem for this deck but I can also dump Hiro into Archives if I feel it is a risk. With a card like Hiro, I feel you just need to accept the risk as you get much greater efficiency (Genomics tax helps a lot to mitigate that Hiro risk though). The possible net damage with Self-destruct would be nice but I am not confident in my economy to land that damage.

Sundew might be good. I would be nice to have that influence. Adonis was because I was curious if people would trash him if I installed him naked. It turned out they usually don't. That is really efficient econ! PAD is probably too slow and a lot of times Runners don't trash it even without Genomics. I want something more efficient that can leverage the ability (hence Adonis).

12 Jan 2015 thrazznos

Dude, yes.

13 Jan 2015 nydnarb

Do you feel like Eater is going to break this deck/archetype?

13 Jan 2015 Shulmey

I'd suggest using Sundews instead of Adonis, and adding Reclamation Order. Getting to reclaim all your trashed Overwriters, or taking back all your face up shocks and then trashing them again is really nice.

Eater is going to make this really hard to play. The runner will be able to just run archives and turn everything face up without accessing the shi.kyus and shocks. It's sad to say, but I think Genomics is going to have to start having Swordsman in their deck.

Another thing that I've used in my IG deck that was fun, is including Snare! in the deck, holding it in HQ, and then playing a Kitsune. I put it over archives, and many runners won't pay the 4 credits to trash snare, and they can't continue the run on Archives for fear of Shock. The combo is surprisingly easy to pull off, and Snare fits well into the deck.

On Hostile Infrastructure, a big reason I have it in my deck is so that I have something useful to rez when I'm getting account siphoned.

13 Jan 2015 Murphy

@nydnarb Eater could be a problem. We shall see! If it is, I will adapt. I may just take a small break right after O&C is released as it will likely be out of hand for a period of time.

@Shulmey Sundews would maybe work. I feel like the timing has to be a bit more precise than with Adonis. If they have the credits to trash the Sundew, they are extra motivated to do that immediately to prevent me from getting those 2 credits on the turn. It is worth testing though!

Reclamation is a very interesting idea! I am going to ponder on that. I don't have enough ICE for self trashers like Kitsune I fear (but that is a cool combo). Hostile is indeed nice for Siphon but there are other ways to dodge it.

Some other thoughts I have been having are to replace the 2 Shi.Kyus with 2 Space Camps and NAPD with Fetal,

15 Jan 2015 Aogu

I know a lot of the discussion has touched on the Adonis , and I agree with the weight of opinion towards PADdew. One thing I've enjoyed in some sillier decks is Targeted Marketing marketing, as a place for some of the influence. Its only 1 inf, and if you suspect an Imp the look on the runners face it totally worth it- if not you can always call a Sure Gamble, Self-modifying Code, whatever you want.