Postmodernism v2

umbralAeronaut 812

Pick a Server, any server!

This deck is a heavy modification of Seamusmodernism V3, refer there with questions about the basic gameplan. In brief: Mulligan for an agenda that will make back money as/when you score it. Start scoring it turn 1 or 2 behind gearcheck ETR ice (or Data Raven). Try to immediately do this one more time if possible, icing up HQ or R&D (your call, matchup will usually dictate) with something irritating or nasty when you have a spare moment (Data Raven, Enigma, Meru Mati, or Cobra are perfect). Always, always try to get a counter on the first Project Atlas you see.

By now, Jack Weyland willing, you'll be at 4 points with an Atlas counter and the runner likely has hastily cobbled together some pitiful collection of programs, resources, credits, and the will to stop what you're doing before it gets out of hand. This is the point when standard Supermodernism can start to have hiccups. This is the moment when POST-Modernism begins playing facedown cards into remote servers like you're Cambridge Jinteki. Pick three cards out of your hand from among Dedicated Response Team, Zealous Judge, Snare!, and if at all possible at least one of your No-Advanceable Agendas (remember that your ID text reads roughly the same as Haarpsichord to most Runners)... slap them out at random. Put one of those cards in the scoring remote and the others stark naked if you need to, bonus points if you haven't felt central pressure and thus have got a Data Raven or two dwelling out on the remotes, style points if you use an Atlas counter to grab one of those pieces from R&D and show it to them right before doing this.

In short, lay your balls right out on the table and dare the runner to do the same. Many will wilt at the point of decision, because Runners are by their nature a cowardly and superstitious lot. The best response most can summon is a tentative check on one of the naked servers, followed by a deep intake of breath and a 3rd-click attack down your scoring remote. Overtax the runner's ability to check remotes with the threat of death until you can sneak a third 2-point agenda through a scoring window, or they kill themselves by biting off too much to chew.

Corporate Town can be either vital tech to smack down Film Critic/DLR bullshit or useful asset spam fodder. It nearly always demands the trash cost when seen unrezzed or in centrals, which is great. Try to resist the urge to clog your scoring remote with it, just lay it out (behind a spare gearcheck ice or Data Raven if you absolutely must), rez it to get rid of the one thing you need to hit and let the runner panic over getting rid of it... If you're a real man you'll threaten an agenda score on the same turn you rezzed Corp Town.

What can go wrong? Well, the worst games this deck has had have been to fast-rig Kates who install R&D Interface and Film Critic and manage to keep you off match point with rapid-response play against your third agenda, using your own BP to get their rig out in the nick of time. MWL 2 Anarchs seem to invariably either get themselves exploded or fail to find their pieces in time, while Criminals tend to fizzle out against this deck's Account Siphon resilience and balk at employing their usual aggressive HQ play.

Hard-Hitting News and the 3rd Scorched used to be 2 Jackson Howard. In a post-Dumblefork (very nearly post-Anarch) meta I think it's currently the right decision but it's a fragile thing. In testing Jackson Howard almost always feels like a waste of time when drawn, because the deck actually loves agenda flood and uses Atlas counters to resist agenda drought. Argus just doesn't have the time of day for him generally speaking. However, HHN has mostly proved itself to be excellent at digging a deeper hole for runners who are already doing poorly at keeping up, while Jacksons would be useful hedges against RnD dig which is the deck's major weak point due to having a higher trashable asset ratio and giving away Bad Publicity like candy. I may try it with 1x Jackson or 1x Fast Track instead of Swordsman (doesn't feel very meta-relevant at this time).

29 Jul 2016 poorhaus

Nice deck.

Ever faced multiple Wanton destructions? Seems like that could really ruin your day with no recursion. I've been thinking about how Anarch can hold up in the new meta and have been playing around with a Siphon free Maxx deck that's heavy on HQ denial.

29 Jul 2016 umbralAeronaut

Heavy HQ denial would really hurt this deck for sure, although I haven't played against it to be honest. This posted version of the deck was built for a store championship at which I anticipated 0 Anarch (I was wrong, there was 1 Null who I faced. I HHN'ed him when we were at a massive credit disparity and scored out while he struggled to clear tags and had his hand periodically emptied by the occasional Scorched Earth I sent his way). Most runners who do not have such tools make things significantly easier for me by completely ignoring HQ in fact.

That said my most current revision has -1 Swordsman, -1 Hard-Hitting News, +1 Jackson Howard and +1 Casting Call. 0 Jacksons is definitely going to be too bold for a meta that stabilizes as people realize Anarch is still relevant.