Nostromo Protocol 1.2 (looking for feedback)

CodeMarvelous 20021

5 Jan 2015 jollyskulls

I really like the build as it is similar to what I believe is possible for the future of weyland. I was thinking maybe adding in executive boot camp to rez cheaper ice and turn on satelite grid. Not sure what you should take out for them though. I really like how you are using shadow as both a trick and as a storage counter. The trick being that in weyland they should fear the tag.

Increasing builder by one might not be a bad option as it forces them to break it or let you get space ice rezzed earlier.

5 Jan 2015 Apon

I think that the Shadow's aren't doing much at first glance, and another Builder is a great way to go. I think that the Enigma's, Ice Wall's, and Asteroid Belt's will serve you well enough in your early game.

Also, I don't know if your economy is strong enough to be running Ash 2X3ZB9CY. You are going to be forecasting your intentions with having advanced ICE in your scoring server. I am not sure what is a good replacement. Maybe just drop them, for Archived Memories, you are going to want to be recurring Trick of Light, and any other economy.

5 Jan 2015 VioletStardust

I'm pretty surprised you're opting for Shadow. Not a good fit at all in a deck without Scorch I think. Firmware Updates could be used as Archer food after use, which could be an option,

Still, I'd really consider taking Shadow out of the deck. I don't think it'll do much at all (yes, yes, even though it can be advanced).

5 Jan 2015 CodeMarvelous

what would I ash with @Apon

5 Jan 2015 Apon

Okay, after a second look, here's what I've got. I think that Trick of Light and Ash 2X3ZB9CY are trying to do really different things. Ash primarily wants to secure a scoring server for one runner turn, assuming that after the first run, they won't be able to come back. ToL wants to fast advance, cutting the number of clicks and credits required to score agendas.

The other purpose, cutting the rez cost of ice quickly, looks like it is just as well served by another Constellation Protocol, or an in faction Shipment from Kaguya. I completely forgot that shipment existed.

I would opt to cut the ToL for economy, maybe Sweeps Week, but that is a meta call. You could also throw a ton of people and cut 1 ash, the ToL's and pick up 2 Caprice Nisei. Those are just spitballs, though.

5 Jan 2015 lostgrail

I'm pretty much looking at the same build, more or less. Did you happen to read the Glacier article on Stimhack too? I see all the ingredients: Defensive upgrades, Jackson Howard; 2/7 agenda split (modified slightly).

I feel like you are overlooking two very key cards for this type of deck however: Simone Diego and The Root. Both are excellent in helping you advance your ICE multiple times in one turn, which is something I suspect you may wish to do. The Root is especially good for his as it also helps cover rez costs. I think I'd drop a Satellite Grid and a Hedge Fund to make room for two copies of either: I think Satellite Grid will prove to be too situational later in the game when all the galactic ICE is rezzed, and Commercialization with some way to get free advancement counters is fantastic.

My only other comment is that I'm not sure Asteroid Belt is a better choice than Fire Wall. I think that the other galactic ICE are stellar but the barrier is a little lackluster. I feel that Fire Wall will continue to be relevant in the late game while Asteroid Belt will falter.

5 Jan 2015 CodeMarvelous

The issue with Ash is that I included it because I couldn't think of other things to spash for, this deck doesnt need a lot of outside faction cards.

5 Jan 2015 falseidol

I have been really pleased with how much work I'm getting out of changelings in my BS deck, because I haven't seem to run into many other people playing it. While 4 strength can be suboptimal versus shaper, strength 4 ETR on a sentry is actually quite good, and if they happen to have an efficient answer to sentries, you just leave it as a barrier and its a Bastion.

I might play Matrix Analyzer over shadow, unless you are regularly boosting Shadow out of Mimic range, it seems like an unlikely target for your advancement counters. Not to mention, the runner can always walk through it so the most it will ever tax is 4 credits and a click.

I don't know how I feel about Satellite Grid, it seems like it would need a pretty specific setup to be leveraging much against the runner. The constellation ICE are a good target, but otherwise, it's probably just a 1-2 credit tax, and at that point, I might prefer a more flexible card like EBC or Space Camp.

I also think Firewall is going to be really strong, and depending on how efficient you get your advancement token engine going, you will probably want cards without a ceiling for how useful the advancements are.

7 Jan 2015 hi_impact

Satellite Grid can be easily replaced with Space Camp, for sure. It's going to be 2 or 5 credit savings, maximum optimally.

Or if that doesn't suit your fancy... maybe a Scorched package? Other power cards like Biotic Labor or Caprice?