Viagra, Rolaids, and Scotch (Tech Talk #1 Addendum)

Scud 326

This is the Iain Stirling: Retired Spook version of "Old Drippy," originally presented as the Geist deck Lay Upon My Roundish Bed.

MU is more of an issue for this deck (you need two Dysons installed to have your full rig without shutting off Data Folding) and link is a little harder to come by (explaining the 2x Access to Globalsec) since you want Logos instead of Forger here. You do, however, get some multi-access which is nice. The lack of Geist's draw ability is mitigated by the fact that you don't mind getting behind an Agenda or two.

Please note: this deck is NOT built to run willy-nilly, it's built to make precise runs. You will have a LOT of money in the mid= and late-game, so they less efficient 'breakers aren't as big an issue.

24 Aug 2015 unitled

I feel like this is a deck almost built for Film Critic... if you could scrape together the influence! Film Critic lets you control Iain's scoring more carefully, it means you're not burning Fall Guys to save The Source (and you avoid the 3 cred source tax), and it's another connection to go on Off-Campus Apartment/give money due to Calling in Favours. Honestly have no idea what you switch around to include it, though! Go down to a single The Source and grab 2 Film Critic?

24 Aug 2015 Scud

@unitled: You are exactly right, -1 The Source, -1 Calling in Favors, +2 Film Critic. I updated it quickly to account for Old Hollywood and didn't even think about switching influence cards.

25 Aug 2015 yoriagami

Since in this one you can (perhaps) afford a liittle more set up time, have you considered The Supplier insted of Career Fair?