Vanilla HB (2nd at Cologne Regionals)

Testrunning 1276

My Rush/FA deck I brought to the Cologne Regionals. Went 6-1 (3-1 in Swiss after a first round bye, 3-0 in the cut) in the tournament, only loss to Andi, wins against 3x Andi, 3x Whizzard and one Valencia.

Card choices:

Vanilla was MVP of the Deck, really good rush ice.

3x Eli instead of 3x Architect, because I anticipated a lot of Criminals, but could be either way (espacially against shapre with Lady).

Not sure of the Assembly Lines, could propably replaced with other economy, even thought it won me the last game as a remote bait and eco at the same time.

One of BBGrid and SanSan were good, if one stayed long enought that I drew the other one, I was winning anyway.

Was satisfied with the Agendasuit as well, good mix between fast advance and rush, TFIN to fetch SanSan ideally or Eco/Ice/Jackson if needed. Works great as a Fast track too.

13 Jun 2016 PeterPan

First off, grats to 2nd place! What do you mean with the SanSan City Grid / Breaker Bay Grid drawing? I didn't see the combo here, but i finished 4th place anyway :)

13 Jun 2016 Testrunning

@PeterPan Not combo, anticombo, you only want one remote, but you can Put only one of it in the remote.

Point is, having one is enough to win, so the anticombo didnt hurt me

15 Jun 2016 Lancelot1983

Sehr nettes Deck leider habe ich glaube noch nie Hb gespielt finde es aber nett. MFg. Lancelot