Bio-Trick of Light Labor 2.11

Razalhague 37

I played this deck exclusively (with slight variations) in the second Stimhack League, and it did very well for me, going 20-7 during the whole thing. The success is partly because most of the people were gearing against NEH. This deck is almost entirely remoteless and able to protect its centrals very well, making Security Testing and Bank Jobs pretty much useless. I have since retired this deck because Itinerant Protesters, Wanton Destruction, Chakana, Valencia, Kim, the upcoming Clot and Traffic Jam make FA decks in general and this one in particular more difficult to play.

This deck started as a janky kill/FA deck with Cerebral Overwriter and a few Neural EMPs, but that idea died quickly and the deck became pure FA.

The basic idea is to operate with fairly few credits, with all the ice being relatively cheap, all econ except Hedge Fund being triggerable from just a few credits, and Trick of Light being able to FA a 3/2 from just one credit.

Having only two advanceable cards for use with ToL might seem like a problem, but the draw power of Blue Level Clearances usually made that a non-issue. Lots of people underestimate the power of that card. Sometimes I was unable to use ToL because I didn't have Ice Walls, but 3x Biotic Labor + 3x Archived Memories meant that I was usually able to score agendas regardless. Having only two ToLs also meant that I often didn't see one until later in the game, which was just fine.

Most of this deck remained the same throughout the league, though about halfway through I switched up the ice composition by ditching Rototurrets, taking away a Viktor and an IQ, and introducing the NEXT ice. The ice count went from 16 to 18, which was a considerable improvement. In addition to that change, there was a two card slot that I fiddled with quite often. Currently it's held by Enhanced Login Protocol, but during the league I tried the following cards in the slot: