Legality (show more) |
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
Rotation |
Pre-rotation decklist |
Packs |
Core Set |
Trace Amount |
Cyber Exodus |
A Study in Static |
Humanity's Shadow |
Creation and Control |
Opening Moves |
Double Time |
Honor and Profit |
Upstalk |
The Valley |
Breaker Bay |
The Underway |
Old Hollywood |
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Faust Theory 2.0 | 36 | 30 | 7 |
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Notorious B.A.G. | 14 | 10 | 0 |
Rob's Hyperbolic Time chamber-Hadrian's wall 4th Place (54x) | 14 | 8 | 9 |
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AWSOME DECK ! It is mostly list of b4ralai with slight changes to adjust it to me (not saying playstyle - after all it is a combo deck ;))
original list:
There is the explenation of combo pieces and how to play most of the time.
Changes i would like to make: after all Legwork is awsome card, but in desperate times of caprice and other psi crap i would consider Drive By
Fall Guy is ok card but only in one game corp tag me to trash Bagbiter on the other hand Traffic Jam saved me there ;)
I went with deck 7-1. Lost only first game with Francesco ;)
31 Aug 2015
1 Sep 2015
Really happy to meet you mate! As we talked a lot about, i like changes you made! Not really sure if drive by could really help trashing caprice, but is a test we must make! Thank you for crediting the deck, but the difference is the player! You are a great one! |
2 Sep 2015
@Dydra: At least one game, the losers bracket finals was recorded by teamworkcast. So there will be a video available at a point. |
5 Sep 2015
I played this deck for games, and I found that Kati is almost a dead card. Sure, you can kati loads up, and play Bagbiter without risk. But I would rather just install Bagbiter with 3 or 4 and click Mopus 3 times. why not one more Leprechaun? you need to play this before you land Hyperdriver. And if you have two, you can comfortably land mopus and 3 Hypers on it. |
9 Sep 2015
Took second place at Italian Nationals with this list last saturday!
You did really good fixes You should edit the deck name with "2nd place Polish and Italian nationals" XD |
10 Sep 2015
12 Sep 2015
7 Nov 2015
This deck is a true beast. Had a great time with it today at our small tourney where it went 3-1 and the loss was mostly NBN scoring fast and me not playing aggressive enough. My only modification was changing the Gordian Blade for a ZU.13 Key Master which made sense to me. I've not yet felt that I would rather have a Gordian. |
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I took it also for Nationals, went 3-3, 2 out of 3 loses was when I lost Bagbiter to Contract Killer (before I was able to land Fall Guy) and net damage. 3rd was with Caprice against me. Placed on R&D so unfortunately Drive By would not be a solution here...