Bifurcation diagram 3.0 N

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pattom 34

6 Jul 2014 Pinkwarrior

looks good i was going to say that Femme is a bad idea without datasuckers as a main breaker but then i noticed the dino.

7 Jul 2014 pattom

Thanks for your opinion. I'll test this deck.

7 Jul 2014 faith_star83

You have 3 Test Runs and 3 SMCs for the 4 programs you use? Isn't that a bit overkill? Also do you really need the Maker's Eye when you also run two R&D Interfaces?

I run a similar list, but recently dropped one Account Siphon because HQ tends to get protected quite well these days...

7 Jul 2014 PeekaySK

I probably wouldn't be comfortable with 1 one of each breaker, no backup plans (like Parasite or Atman) and only Test Run for recursion. If you hit an Archer, you're probably toast. If you meet a half-decent PE, you're probably toast as well.

I think you can find some space for these things is your RnD dig department (2 Maker's Eyes, 2 Interfaces and 3 Indexings strike me as overkill, especially with a full set of SoTs), the second Opus and the third SMC. Those are cards you don't really need as Chaos Theory with 3 copies of Diesel.

One last thing - don't underestimate the amount of work that The Toolbox does for me in my deck - it's a free Opus click every turn, as well as a pseudo-breaker for things like Viper, which could become problematic with just ZU.13 Key Master. Not sure if Dino pulls as much weight, honestly.

7 Jul 2014 Pinkwarrior

@PeekaySK actually he has scavenge for recurrence as well, an SMC and scavenge although costly is recurrence. And 3x same old things so that's 9 possible recurrence and it seems silly to put more in as a back up for if your programs get trashed when you have no other trash programs. though if you want to be super safe a levy is probably the best fix.

your right that archer is gonna be difficult to get through tho the femme would need to be on it otherwise it'd be 7-8 creds even with dino femme.

7 Jul 2014 Pinkwarrior

This all said i personally would put in more trash programs like a deus x and sharpshooter and clone chips but i think that's personal preference i find them to be so useful. deus x been able to win single handedly against some jinteki decks i find.

7 Jul 2014 pattom

Thank you for your feedback. I change my conception. I'll try icebreakers: 1x Atman 1x Corroder 1x Deus X 1x Femme Fatale 1x Sharpshooter 1x ZU.13 Key Master

And change console to Toolbox.


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