This card's worth 1 or 2 slots in almost any Blue Sun: Powering the Future deck, and other Weyland IDs may benefit, too.
1) This is the perfect counter for runners using the Keyhole/Eater engine. At 2, 4 strength, it's expensive to chew through (3 for Eater, barring any Datasucker or similar effects). But chew through it they must if they want to be able to keep using Eater on the rest of the cards protecting your R&D. It's a respectable tax.
2) Can counter the runner's anti-Archer cards like Femme Fatale or Faerie.
3) It's a freaking Wendigo. Who wouldn't want one prowling around their perimeter?
1) You don't want to draw this as one of your two starting ice, but even if you do get one out early it can milk an extra turn or three out of any low-cost ice like Ice Wall, Enigma, Chimera, or Quandary.
2) Can't protect a server on its own, unless the runner is afraid to face-check it.