Breaking News!
Are there CYBER-CRIMINALS in your neighborhood? Walking among us? Perhaps even in your HOME?
It's more likely than you think.
The marks are still fresh from the infamous Levy University scandal, where a seemingly unobtrusive professor was outed as a cyber-terrorist!
In tonights Exposé, we'll be covering the notorious Muertos Gang populating the Underway, a cabal of secret extortionists, thugs and public despoilers who stop at nothing to control the helpless citizens of SanSan! What's worse, they often live double lives, hiding their gang activities behind a veneer of legitimate business!
But fear not!
Our exclusive NBN sources are with you, keeping people informed and safe about these DANGEROUS criminals who lurk in our midst! Please consider donating a small sum to help keep these public service announcements alive! Though it costs us, we at NBN are committed to the expenditure to keep the people in the know! Don't worry about what you may have heard, or what you may have seen -- NBN is here for YOU.