Italian Job

harvolev 100

"Force that truck to go exactly where we want it to go"

" was never about the gold"

Here's a Slightly different Geist build for you all,

The Basics: The idea here is to mulligan for either a Forger or Data Folding so you can get the econ started early as it will take time to earn it back, but once you get going, 4+ click free credits/turn during mid game is amazing. Account Siphon, Sure Gamble and Fall Guy give you a bit more econ to keep you moving.

Rather than using the B&E tools for trash breaking and draw I've found that they are very weak against Blue Sun Ice and quite slow. I've opted for running the cloud breakers to save mem for data folding. Now I know what you'll say, Creeper... multi-sub ice though. Yeah I hear you, but Alias for centrals which is where you'll spend most of your time with this deck anyway and that'll still keep your memory low enough to get data folding credits.

The Tricks: Be annoying. Get them chasing you around the board a bit. Using Crescentus and Cortez Chip to make rezzing and re-rezzing ice a pain, while also making them think you're going to focus on certain servers. Clone Chips are there mainly for getting more milage out of Crescentus, but can save a breaker if they aren't running a black list. Did I mention that I hate running against black lists. That card does work.

Use Eden Shard and Utopia Shard mixed with R&D Interface for extra pressure, getting past the one draw a turn problem or with Legwork if you get stuck out of R&D. Also great to get them to draw and then discard when you see some scorches or Midseason/sea source

Keeping that central pressure will help close scoring windows. But you'll always be ready to pop over and snag a few installed cards when they don't expect it.

15 Jul 2015 harvolev

Mulling this over, I think I would swap out Alias for a couple Faerie and run 46 cards, maybe run 3 and take out a fall guy