Criminal: Expose and Trash

squaxor 7

The idea of this deck is to expose Corp cards using Infiltration or Drive By then punish the Corp with Blackguard to or spend the cash.

I also want to get into HQ with Sneakdoor Beta or when they score an agenda Gang Sign, then use HQ Interface to access two cards.

Stealing agendas will also costs the Corp a click using Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist

Logos and Desperado gives me 2 which yields 1 through Data Folding

The only issue is that I have 49 cards.

I'd love to hear what you think about my first ever self-built deck.

15 Jul 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Well first off you can't have Desperado, Logos and Blackguard installed and you are running a ton of programs so... might want to reconsider the Data Folding package. You can just go 3-of your other econ resources to fix this.

In general you are running way too many breakers. 3 copies of Aurora is way too many, etc.

Your influence could be spent better. Some R&D multi-access is a solid choice, as is an Imp and Clone Chip suite to trash whatever you find in HQ.

Leviathan is terrible and you should never run it. e3 Feedback Implants is great and you should run it often.

15 Jul 2015 squaxor

Thanks for the great hep @FarCryFromHuman

15 Jul 2015 squaxor

@FarCryFromHuman could you help he understand why you said "you can't have Desperado, Logos and Blackguard installed" ?

It states in the rules: "Some cards have a unique symbol (◆) in front of their title. There can be only one unique card of the same title active at a time."

I took that to mean that you can have several unique cards in play, but only one of the same type installed.


15 Jul 2015 FarCryFromHuman

That is correct, but consoles the have additional text: "Limit 1 console per player." You can only ever have one console installed at a time. This is why they typically offer powerful, unique effects for a relatively cheap price; they are balanced by their mutual exclusivity.

15 Jul 2015 squaxor

I get it now. Duh!

Thanks again @FarCryFromHuman