I shall bring great... SUFFERING!

Haecrom 15

"Because Potato" cit.

29 Sep 2015 jumping_down

can't install the wireless net pavilions. I'd recommend cutting them for something that you can install.

29 Sep 2015 Waterpile

How are you getting tagged with Data Leak Reversal? Can't install Wireless Net Pavilion. You have no way to get through Turing. I recommend drop the DLR's, add ZU.13 Key Master and another Quality Time or throw in Always Be Running . Not sure if you need Plascrete Carapace with Heartbeat as your console. This is incredibly similar to my Apex deck, Brain Implants. I've made a few of the changes listed above since I published it.

29 Sep 2015 Haecrom

Wireless was a mistake, I was firmly convinced it was virtual (deck written fastly, alpha version). I've already modified the decklist. Turing is a problem I usually solve with prey and apocalypse, I'm thinking about adding Datasuckers to help trashing, but sure, it's not the ice you want to see. Always be running seems nice, I'll give a try.

29 Sep 2015 Waterpile

If you're using Datasucker, it is important to note that you can lower strength until the end of the encounter, and Prey can only happen "when you pass a piece of ice" which is actually considered to be after the encounter. So if you're gonna Prey a Turing, you'll need to spend your three clicks and then trash 5 cards if it's on a remote. Roundabout way of saying Datasucker and Prey don't combo off each other if that was the intent.