Relentless Assault v1.0

Pikeman 289

I'm really trying to make a half-decent Silhouette deck, but it's proving challenging. I know Pheromones is unpopular, but I want to give it a try. It's untested at the moment, and I'm happy to hear any suggestions you have in the comment box below.

18 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Gang Sign is probably a good idea. It really does wonders against fast advance when you can't slot any of the usual tricks.

18 Oct 2015 Pikeman

@FarCryFromHuman - Yeah, just wondering what to drop to slide that in.

18 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I'd say lose a Pheromones or an Emergency Shutdown and make the hard choice between Doppelgänger and Logos to slot 2x Gang Sign. You aren't playing any "run all central servers" cards so Archives Interface is probably not as useful as Film Critic or Clot. You probably don't need the Dyson Mem Chip with the MemStrips?

19 Oct 2015 Pikeman

Dyson Mem Chip was slotted in because I was afraid MemStrips wouldn't pop up early enough. I play tested this just a few hours ago for the first time, and I did get into some heavy memory pressure until I finally drew the Dyson. Though, to be fair, this was largely my fault for playing Mimic prematurely (Ninja was already out).

As for the elephant in the room, Archives Interface is there because I hate Team Sponsorship with the passion of a thousand burning suns, and that's at least in part why 3x Scrubber is there. Scrubber is at least useful in more circumstances than AI though.

Definitely going to slot Gang Sign in here at some point though, just want to play test a few more times as-is to see what I should drop first. Right now my biggest problem is forgetting to use Silhouette's ability when I succeed on running HQ!

19 Oct 2015 Dydra

This is a really odd and at the same time workin Sil deck. Feel free to leech off any ideas you like.