Official TheBigBoy Whiz Mk 2

TheBigBoy 8950

This is the latest iteration of standard Faust Cutlery Whiz (Dumblefork)

A lot of people have asked me for my more recent build of the deck so I figured I'd just publish it.

The changes from the original deck are: -3 Career Fair +3 Dirty Laundry -1 Forked + 1 Clone Chip -1 Turntable -1 Datasucker +2 Inject

The feedback I got from top players was confirmed in my testing: Your biggest weakness is being 1 turn behind in setup time. Inject does huge work in solving this problem, an idea that I imported from my Noise deck. A lot of people like Street Peddler here, but I really like getting multiple cards at once, especially early game against IG. With Inject dumping our key programs in the bin, and with my in-principal refusal to play 3 Faust, I needed a 3rd Clone Chip. I had no idea how the 3rd Clone Chip would completely revolutionize the way I play the deck. No more installing things ahead of time. Just play like Shaper and pull them out of the bin when you need them. This also helps a ton against Bioroid or Caprice-based click compression, allowing you more space in your turn for runs since you can install for no clicks.

I really miss the 2nd Forked but Assassin and EtF are on the decline. It was good against Data Raven too, but Raven decks are going fast now, so a transition to tag-me is a better plan anyway.

If you are not a very top tier player, DON'T PLAY STUPID SLUMS OR STRIKE!!! They will make you a bad player. Play the IG match-up 50 times. Practice Practice Practice and you wont need the hate. The top players have creative lines to beat a 0 hate Whiz, but your garden-variety IG player will just fold to this tactic:

Step 1: Run Archives Turn 1 - Play 2 econ cards or and econ card and a Datasucker and run archives (assuming they started with the standard draw draw ice archives). If it's Hive get a Parasite on it ASAP and trash stuff the hard-ish way for a while until you can get in. If it's Komainu jack out and do the same (unless you had IHW in which case you can flip it still and are WAY ahead). If it's Crick then trash what they installed (this is why we only played 2 cards first).

Step 2 - Continue to pressure archives. Don't install Wyldside until you have a cushion of 10+ credits and archives is clear. They will play 3 assets in a turn sometimes and you need to kill every Tech Start-up, MCH, and Jackson they put down, even if they cost real money.

Step 3 - Be patient and keep controlling their board. Even if you know they are flooded, leave the agendas in their hand. YOU WANT AGENDAS IN PLAY, NOT STOLEN. THIS WAY YOU CAN TURN OFF CEREBRAL STATIC IF THEY PLAY IT.

Step 4 - Don't lose your levy+SoT or die in some other dumb way and eventually they will have nothing to do but either hold 5 agendas or start tossing enough of them in the bin that you just accidentally win. Bid 0 on every TfP psi game all game no matter what.

There you go. This archetype has become the new "Real Netrunner". Learn to play it. Learn to play against it. Take the trash cans out of your Corp decks and don't be #partoftheproblem. Run this thing into the ground until Corps are teched so hard that we can all play Criminal and have a good old time :)

2 Jun 2016 clercqie

Great guide on how to handle the IG matchup. Question on step 3 though: I usually pressure HQ quite hard with Datasucker. This way, I force them to put stuff on there, which lightens the ICE load on both RnD and Archives. Would you stop building sucker counters on HQ when you start to notice agendas are building up then?

I'm still playing with Making an Entrance instead of Inject, which I know lots of players say is a trap. However, as long as you're not afraid to actually trash stuff with MaE, the end result is more or less the same. You're a click slower, but on the other hand, the greater control on what you draw can save you time a couple of turns down the road.

Last point: how do you feel about the SYNC-EOI matchup?

2 Jun 2016 TheBigBoy

There is no need to steal agendas against IG. Run HQ when you need sucker tokens to kill something on archives but otherwise don't bother. The only point that matters is the 7th one.

MaE is pretty much only better than Inject in your opening hand. It's far worse after that since you have to spend the clicks to actually draw the cards. It's better when you have Wyldside active, but even then I think it's a waste of a click to play. Inject is either just Diesel (that also gives a CC target) or draw 4 for 1 credit. That's better than MaE.

The SYNC MU is very tricky. It's SYNC favored but I think with experience in the match-up it wont be too terrible. One thing I go for sure is that your Strikes and Slums are not going to help you with it :)

2 Jun 2016 evilgaz

Nice changes, some of the UK massive had done the Dirty Laundry extra Clone Chip thing a while back and I was on board that particularly bandwagon. Not sure about the Inject / Street Peddler debate, I can go either way on it, as I like the sneaky hidden cards.

One thing, you say don't take agendas from HQ when they're flooded, so when do you take them? Sure, it's only the seventh point that matters, but unless you've got five or six, you're unlikely to ever get the seventh. When do you start scoring?

2 Jun 2016 bubbathegoat

I agree that 3x CC makes Inject much stronger. I really miss my CC in Noise.

I was surprised to see the 3x Career Fair go, but I think about it, a CC is irreplaceable, while there are lots of ways to get credits (Dirty Laundry is an influence-free replacement for the credits already!).

I agree that Street Peddler isn't worth considering in this deck. There are too many events that can get stranded/lost on the Peddler. I've lost to IG because of Levy stranded on a Peddler with 2 other events.

My only question is: do you really need the 2x Knifed over an extra Spooned? In the Palana matchup, it is very important to keep Ashigaru under control, but I think Parasucker with 3x CC is reasonable for that (and breaking Ashi with 6 cards is painful). I've had more obnoxious code gates in my way that would break for fewer cards, or even D4v1d.

2 Jun 2016 herr.Connoisseur

I've always been a fan of your decklists @TheBigBoy. Just a quick question, would this deck benefit from cutting one clone chip, and inserting an e3 + film critic? I know it makes the deck go up to 46 though. :(

2 Jun 2016 karlakas

I have a question about the IG matchup regarding Shock!s in Archives. Since you can't just run Archives for free, then what is the plan?

2 Jun 2016 buzard

"we can all play criminal and have a good old time" Rotfl. Well said.

2 Jun 2016 Calimsha

@karlakas : you take 3 net and then you go somewhere else. Ez.

2 Jun 2016 kevo31415

@herr.Connoisseur haha don't get @TheBigBoy started on what he thinks of Film Critic. But Film Critic is honestly not needed here imo. Against IG it's anti-synergy since you want to pressure them to hold TFP in their hands and/or install it anyway. Even if you do access it, just bid 0 and make them lose money.

2 Jun 2016 herr.Connoisseur

@kevo31415``@TheBigBoy Oops! LOL.

2 Jun 2016 bubbathegoat

@karlakasif you are really afraid of shocks in IG, then you can slot Archives Interface, but it's really only even useful against IG, in any other matchup it's only food for Faust.

2 Jun 2016 TheBigBoy

Shock is whatever. If they somehow lucksack into 2 on turn 1 it can be really strong, but otherwise you just eat the damage and don't care.

I would never go below 2 Knifed. Wraparound and Eli need dealing with.

You will just score accidentally when you run because you have nothing else to do besides get suckers. At some point the IG player will have like 5 credits and will take 3 because they have nothing else to do. When that happens just hit HQ and put them out of their misery. Personally I like to keep playing control until they deck themselves to let them savor their agonizing demise.

3 Jun 2016 bubbathegoat

Personally I like to keep playing control until they deck themselves to let them savor their agonizing demise.

The only true defeat of IG is when their list is ground completely do dust! In all seriousness, I've found that it really does take all 4 clicks to keep the pressure up on the IG asset spam, and taking a couple of clicks to check HQ or R&D can give enough life to this deck for it to start being a problem again.

Much like Noise milling a normal corp, the win may be in any one of the centrals, but there is a 100% win condition if you mill them out. Keeping your foot on the neck is the higher percentage play.

5 Jun 2016 Shmeguy

This is stupid good. I did -1 knifed +1 clot because i figured the extra clone chip means i have more parasites for Elis and D4s for wrap anyway. My question is do you have a strict rule for when to inject? If I'm already mostly set up with wyldcakes and money do I still inject and risk losing a few programs I need or does it just become faust fodder?

5 Jun 2016 TheBigBoy

Inject is for when you have a good chunk of money but need things. It's most useful in the first few turns.

5 Jun 2016 spags

-1 Mimic, -1 Inject, +1 Clot, +1 Faust. That build won CHI Regional.

5 Jun 2016 bubbathegoat

@spags really? no Mimic? Does nobody run Swordsman? or did he just use Clone Chip to power through Swordsman when he really needed to?

8 Jun 2016 meta4

^ I'm really interested in the answer to this. I've been wanting to cut Mimic for a while since you only really need it against Swordsman and Komainu, but those ice can really hurt.

Thank you @TheBigBoy for making this beautiful deck. I've been playing your original Dumblefork for a while and it is a lot of fun, and I'm excited to try out these updates. I have one question: can you elaborate on why you don't play Employee Strike? Not only does it really help against IG and Gagarin, but it also helps get rid of other pesky currents like Making News Manhunt. It seems like Dan's Hot Tub Time Machine really hates it since it doesn't play any currents and doesn't score any agendas for a long time.

8 Jun 2016 TheBigBoy

@trevaurI play the deck in it's purest form. If you want to taint it with tech, that's fine. I'm just presenting a shell that I think is best for learning the style while also giving you a great shot against every competitive deck.

Clone Chip is a totally busted card, and cutting it for a card that is only helpful, but not busted, doesn't fly with me.

8 Jun 2016 bubbathegoat

@trevaurI've asked around in a few other places about people who cut Mimic. Basically, they don't expect to see Swordsman or Komainu in every match, but when they do see it, the options are to:
1. Parasucker it dead before subs fire. Inject helps get one into the bin for this.
2. Just lose the Faust to Swordsman, and then recur it with Clone Chip after passing Swordsman.

Either option is viable. Obviously 1 is preferable. There is no other magic to it. Most people who slot Swordsman only include 1, so you won't see it everywhere even against people who play it.

However, in these conversations an additional angle that I had not considered was presented: Mimic is the preferred means of breaking Architect. Pitching 3 cards with Faust over an architect is bad, and it cannot be parasuckered. I also see a lot more Architect than Swordsman.

So there you have it. You can cut Mimic, but it will really depend on your meta and playstyle how well that really works for you. In my opinion it's not worth it.

8 Jun 2016 kevo31415

@trevaur as @bubbathegoat said, Clone Chip gives you enough flexibility to deal with most things Mimic is teching against, but even then, you're burning a Clone Chip. That's the Clone Chip you should be using to Parasucker Komainu or Turing. In a sense, when you cut Mimic, you risk taking at least one Clone Chip out of play.

I am curious, @TheBigBoy at what your thoughts are of The Turning Wheel in this deck for added central pressure. My main issue is finding the influence for it.

8 Jun 2016 bubbathegoat

@kevo31415I'm going to guess that @TheBigBoywill have a very similar answer. You can cut a busted card (Clone Chip, Parasite, or Levy) to add a merely good/helpful card (The Turning Wheel), that likely still 'doesn't fly'

8 Jun 2016 kevo31415

@bubbathegoatThat's what I'm leaning toward too. I'd probably cut a Medium if The Turning Wheel didn't cost influence. Dang MWL...

8 Jun 2016 meta4

I guess my question is whether cutting one busted card (clone chip) for 3 good cards (ex: turning wheel, employee strike and career fair) is worth it.