Wu Tang Financial

staglore 359

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Diversify your bonds with Indian Union Stock Exchange. 26 of the cards in this deck will trigger it. In theory one could make four each turn the runner doesn't attempt a run with Subliminal Messaging, alone. Which is just insane. Not to mention the synergy with Jeeves and the 13 other operations.

All but one operation triggers IUSE. Combined with the ID's ability just makes for a stupid amount of money. Which leads us to the star of the deck... Sandburg...money plus Sandburg equals one sad panda of a runner.

Of course the RZA and the GZA are in here.

On to the ICE... I've both taxing and money making cards. This keeps them from: one, running as often and two, it creates a 'catch 22' for the runner (either run and potentially give the CORP money, or allow the CORP to get back Subliminal Messaging back. Either way you know money...)

I believe this combo could give the CORP plenty of scoring windows, or even lock out the runner with a good Archer rez.

Either way...comments and criticisms welcome....

1 Nov 2016 MrHuds0n

Rumor Mill says hi.

1 Nov 2016 Eji1700

Getting up to triple paywall does seem important given the rumor mill threat (and maybe triple hostile), but you do have a ton of rumor mill targets that you can put out one at a time to force, and then remove, it.