Too Big To Fail

BagOfSquirrels 7

This is a new deck I've been playing with lately and having a good amount of success with at my local Netrunner night. This is my first ever successful attempt at building a deck completely from scratch based on my own ideas, so I was really glad to see it perform well. I've been wining with it both through fast advance and flat-lines.

Skeleton of the deck is using Too Big to Fail and IPO to generate the credits needed for the fast advance (Biotic and RPC) as well as rezing the the somewhat expensive ice suite. Agendas are there to prop up the basic strategy - Armed Intimidation is a 1 turn flat-line threat combined with HPT. Broad Daylight fits well with the ident ability. And Project Atlas allows you to have fewer of the needed trick cards as well as baiting the runner into doing somethign stupid/taxing by pulling out a Biotic/HPT/CA.

As for the tricks and toys, I've been using False Flag to great effect, the runner either has to break through and take the tags to trash it or I score it out as a 3-pointer. The threat of High-Profile Target, especially if you tutor it out with Atlas or Hortum is usually enough to keep the runner from being able carry any tags, further compounded by a 1-off Closed Accounts. Exposé is mainly there as a convenient way to both load advancement tokens for RPC and ditch excessive (3+) amount of bad pub as needed.

Ice suite consists primarily of adavanceable ice with Priority Construction to load them up and save clicks. Certainly can play around with the exact composition. Previously I was running 2x Bulwark and 2x Mausolus, but found I was getting more mileage out of Hortum due to the meta in my area, so I swapped it out. Bulwark is nice simply due to the identity, generating 3 credits on rez, but I found that having 2 was a bit much. Changeling is also extremely useful as an "End the run" sentry against several matchup running no sentry breaker or trash breakers.

The upgrades I'm using are completely meta-dependent and can be swapped out as desired. My local store sees a lot of trash-heavy (Alice, Freedom, Kim) and AI-heavy (Aumakua and God of War) decks so I prefer to have some way of dealing with both. You can talor it to your needs.

Only thing I have had consistent trouble with are Counter Surveillance tag-me decks forcing me to double or triple-ice RND early and keeping me poor as a result. However, if they get too tag-crazy, even Jargniew Mercs isn't going to save them from HPT.