
x3r0h0ur 8951

Whizz deck based around trashing ice and assets to add in the mill component absent from not being Noise. Incubator ensures that you can get gravedigger working no matter what, or if it is going, set up for massive medium slams.

Wanton Destruction could be Vamp, because Tri-maf is awesome econ.

4 Mar 2015 FarCryFromHuman

1x Djinn instead of 1x Gravedigger might speed you up a little.

4 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

In hindsight, kait might be superfulous without vamp, maybe -2 kati +2 amped up? Maybe more cutlery?

4 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

God damnit z3r0 stop stealing my brains.

4 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

I'm just brain dumping today. From my own brain. I'd be happy to compare though :P

4 Mar 2015 p3t00h

Thot bout dis dek, seems legit. Wil giv it a trie.

4 Mar 2015 Dydra

So assuming that you don't Progenitor and Virus Breeding Ground to your Gravedigger like i do in my Noise ... At least stuck some Parasite in for more Ice Destruction counters to Gravedigger

Update how testing goes ... interesting idea though ... makes me think about Edward Kim with 3x Gravedigger and operations smashing

4 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

You do know that grave doesn't proc off operations or in hand trashes? I stick to whizz with it for assets and ice. Outside of that, if you wanted to do a kim build, cut the cutlery and eater, since kim WANTS to access and put in multiaccess and parasites with datasucker, reward running.

Kim and Whiz feel close to the same almost every time I build them.

4 Mar 2015 moistloaf

echoing what I've mentioned at Stimhack, is Tri-maf Contact really any better than Armitage Codebusting? I understand it is more sustainable, but I maintain that Armitage is always better once you're out of the theory-crafting and into real Netrunner.

4 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

Mostly that it is sustainable. No matter how long the game is, it stays with you. The only downside being that it costs more? I don't really care about the damage.

5 Mar 2015 Dydra

Hmmm.... true :( forgot about that

5 Mar 2015 afishisborn

Tri-maf is one of my favorite cards. It's Opus without the memory. Plus, something about the card seems just... cool. I don't know. Running Tri-maf lets your opponent know that yeah. You are OG.

5 Mar 2015 Jashay

Why Lucky Find over Day Job? That's a lot of influence tied up there.

How do you find Wanton Destruction without any boosters? Is it worth spending a turn for them to discard 3 cards?

5 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

If its midgame and they're hub and you can have a fair shake at hitting Fast track/biotic? Sure. If you're running aggressively you can trash out assets, and get their hand to 3-4 cards anyway, so it might be their whole hand. I just don't think the slot, credit and brain is worth it.

I do think that vamp might be the better choice, and its still thematic!

5 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

As for lucky find, the deck is already click intensive, plus, it has an anti-synergy with kati. If you remove kati, you could feasibly make a lot of changes, which I'm evaluating a few now, since moving past theorycraft.

5 Mar 2015 moistloaf

I agree the damage clause of Tri-Maf is a non-issue. I also agree that the main reason to run it is the OG factor. But I believe it's downsides (limit 2c per turn and 2c to install rather than Armitage's 1) outweight its sustainability, especially in a deck already running Kati Jones. just my opinion, though. Glad to see you trying Cujo, I am always mocked for insisting it's not a terrible card. No Parasites in an ICE denial build is interesting, though.

5 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

yea, I'm not interested in kati in the deck any more. I've replaced it. I definitely like Tri-maf so far. Cuj0 is great when you have more money than most runners, all you need is cash to get in. It works great when you want to break a big sentry, and its fine for small ones. Cheaper than mimic for tsurugi and komainu...just not forever.

No parasites because no datasuckers.

5 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

@x3r0h0ur mine uses atman and gordian but same basic concept even down to the trimaf

6 Mar 2015 Exo

I was actually playing a Whizzard deck with Gravedigger and Surge but I never realized that when you trash a ICE, Gravedigger get a virus token too... I had good success with it but now, this is going to be insane.

6 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

Don't forget that it also triggers when the corp trashes on it's own.

11 Mar 2015 firepunkcat

Isn't it too dangerous to play with "spinal modem" against NEH for example?

11 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

When was the last time NEH ran a tracer? But no, against most corps, due to the money power of tri-maf and breaking power of the breaker suite, you shouldn't be getting traced during a run, except for the odd Ash.

15 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

@x3r0h0ur I want to feature my tweaks to this deck on Deckbuilding Derezzed, giving you a shoutout of course, is that ok with you?

15 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

Yea, sounds cool! Go ahead.

15 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

@x3r0h0ur I have been playing a version of this deck non stop since I saw your version, it does what my idea couldnt

15 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

@x3r0h0ur tell me what you think

15 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

In my testing tri maf and kati were too click intensive, I would strongly suggest going cutting her and either add casts or human first, or more econ events. Unless you want to lean more heavily on vamp to control the remotes, in which case kati might help.

Human first is nice when you grab the agendas in the heap after gravediggering.

I think 2 corroder is probably a good play, due to its importance. Do you find events fast enough without planned assault? Sometimes I just can't draw the right cutlery, but with breakers on backup, I guess it's less relevant.

Overall though, they are definitely improvements. The ice denial is real.

15 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

Oh I should mention I changed wanton to vamp, to smash hq and hit the remote for agendas/sansan play

15 Mar 2015 CodeMarvelous

this deck is brutal when you pilot it right