Hunter x Hunter [anrsealed]

Berzelius 283

This is the deck I brought to our first anrsealed tournament in Turin. Anrsealed is a very fun format in which every partecipant is given two lists of 85 cards (runner and corp) that the must use to build a legal deck (you can learn more about it here: ). In our tournament, 1st rotation was enforced, MWL was not.

The actual ID for this deck reads has, in addiction to the text of The Shadow: Pulling the Strings, the following abilities: "The number of agenda points required in this deck is reduced by 2" and "The trash cost of all transactions and advertisements assets is increased by 2" and minimum deck size 45. Therefore, in my actual deck AstroScript Pilot Program is a License Acquisition (NRDB doesn't allow you to publish a decklist with not enough agenda points).

The best card in this deck is... Hunter! Credits are low in this format and Hunter is incredibly taxing (3 trace credits or whatever the cost of you breaker is) and it shines against Faust (it's legal in this format!), because it takes two cards to break its sub.

This deck can be played both as a glacier or rush and has some tag punishment if the runner becomes too careless.

Small report Turn 1, vs Stefano (1-0) I played as a small glacier, with an R&D composed of two Hunters and a Seidr Adaptive Barrier. Stefano's only breaker was a Faust, that required 7 cards to break everything, and I had scored a Better Citizen Program, so he started to go tag me, effectively getting boomed.

Turn 2, vs Koga (2-0) Tough matchup against a great player. He played some kind of pirate Hayley, being careful in his runs. In order to win, I had to create a gargantuan remote with Surveyor, Seidr Adaptive Barrier, IP Block and some other nasty ICEs and some FA with Shipment from Tennin.

Turn 3, vs edobram (3-0) This time, i started to rush agendas, like I usually did while playing Skorpios (F), and it payed.

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