Same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the wld

Nex 22

Michael Jeffers, executive at Argus corporation, was sitting in his large office, enjoying the last stock report from NBN and a nice cherry-flavored lollypop when the bell rang. He pushed the intercom button and the voice of his assistant Peter boomed in the room.

- Sir, it's an emergency!

Michael pushed the door button on his desk, allowing Peter to hastily enter, one PAD in one hand, his corporate badge in the other.

-Sir, Someone just siphoned one of our accounts at Fidgerton Banks!

- Who is he? Where is he?

- Sir, we are tracing the source right now, answered Peter while checking his PAD.

The PAD emitted a small "ping!" and Michael smiled.

-Sir, It's Andromeda!

-Andromeda? Didn't we Scorched her whole building last week after she hit that Snare!?

-Yes sir, but she must have had a Carapace or something.

The PAD ringed again.

- Sir, She's running on our remote server!

- Well, this time she won't espace us.

-Sir, that remote holds our Government Takeover plans you order to be accelerated yesterday.

For all answer, Michel put his lolliop back in his mouth.

-Sir, the response team is waiting for orders!

This time, both the PAD and Micheal's console rang loudly as the ambiant ligth turned red.

-Sir, she stole the plans. What are your orders? Sir?

Only the sirens answered Peter's panicked question. He stayed here, watching Michel, waiting for a reaction until the PAD pingged again.

- Sir, the response team found her! She was hacking from a public terminal near Gila's arcology. They're bringing her here.

After a few minutes, the door opened and two heavily armed Argus agents dragged a wounded young women with cables still hanging from her forehead.

- Well, well Mrs Andromeda, we meet again.

Michael opened the top drawer of his desk and picked a gun he pointed at the criminal.

- I'd say it's nothing personnal, but corporations are people, too

Janky things this deck can do

21 May 2015 sruman

Curious why you chose Argus for this deck (outside of great theme synergy). Usually, the runner only has to steal 3 agendas to win (occasionally 4 or 2) so at most you're taxing 4 cards, 4 credits + 2 clicks or a split of the two. Doesn't seem to be worth it when either Core Weyland could give a money boost of up to 15 credits or Titan could give you 17 inf and high-risk investment counters or, well, Blue Sun. Just curious on the thinking behind ID choice.

21 May 2015 Lttlefoot

The title is wrong. Should be "every night"

21 May 2015 Nex

@sruman : Building a Better World was my alternative actually. The original idea with Argus is to force the runner to consider a lot of things when stealing an 3 points agenda. Taking a tag means losing and 2 , taking 2 meat damages mean that he/she could get to Punitive Counterstrike range if not cautious. Stealing that Government Takeover could really be the end of the world if not properly prepared.

I hadn't thought of Titan Transnational, the 2 influence sure look nice ;) Thanks for the hint, I gotta try it!

@Lttlefoot : Thanks! But I had to misswrite "world" because there is not enough room for the whole sentence