Never Gonna Give You UP

Pinkwarrior 2343

The decks built to make a remote thats incredibly hard to get into. Off the Grid works well on its own if you think HQ is nice and safe you can get it down res it for a turn then return it after a score.

add on Crisium Grid makes Off the Grid better and Ash 2X3ZB9CY adds to this. If you do get Excalibur then that can also add to making getting into that remote near impossible.

Tollbooth is just a great ICE in Blue Sun, Data Raven is also nice since their likely to assume you've got Scorched Earth in your deck and even if without that worry with all the money blue sun has they can't go tag me as they will have no resources.

17 Jun 2015 Jashay

Triple Wendigo seems an unusual choice. Care to elaborate?

17 Jun 2015 Shishu

Is 2 of Data Raven really worth it for that kind of trick? Might as well put in another Ash 2X3ZB9CY or even Caprice Nisei.

17 Jun 2015 Pinkwarrior

@Jashay I really like Wendigo its high Str for few credits you got to get it in the right place but that's easy with blue sun i find it to be really good value.

@Shishu yes it is, you could trade one for an Ash 2X3ZB9CY and the deck would still work fine. but it is powerful sentry the fact its a when you encounter makes it strong and Blue Sun nearly always run's Scorched Earth this will just help cement the feeling that its in their slowing the runner down making them waste money on Plascrete Carapace or removing tags. Even against a deck that thinks their safe from meat damage they will remove the tag because of their resources like Kati Jones. Think of it as a str 4 sentry thats both Enigma and Datapike rolled into one.

I have tried Caprice Nisei but she's not worth the influence hit shes fine in jinteki but i can't see her ever really working outside of that.