Hayley's Eggs 2.0

Dydra 2799

The super-safe, super-fun mill time!

With the Net Pavilion in the 6th data pack, this will be even better!

12 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

You already added Bookmark, why not add in Wireless Net Pavilion now?

12 Aug 2015 Dydra

@FarCryFromHuman totally bad on my part. Thought it was next pack, not the last one. :) Saw that after posting hehe. Wireless Net Pavilion helps the deck so much better though. You make the Mega turn and you can continue wiping him 1 or 2 turns after that.

Even if you don't run at all, they can't seasource you. So much lol.

12 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Wireless Net Pavilion totally makes tag-me strategies worth attempting. I'm super excited about it. It's also why they are printing The All-Seeing I = (

12 Aug 2015 Dydra

pretty sick hehe =) Only Valencia could get away with this I guess

3 Sep 2015 mabool

Vamp gives you a tag and the corp can only trash 1 resource on his turn. (Credit-credit-trash)