Fifteen Million Merits (Fast Edition)

Diegofsv 1368

Score agendas fast and crush the runner's tempo by rezzing anoying advertisements in the right time. Multiple Product Placement in a SanSan City Grid remote so when the runner goes in to trash it, you gain enough credits to Biotic Labor your another agenda.

Special Cards

Archangel - Awesome as ICE, awesome as trap. Great tempo killer.

Little Engine - This little train causes havoc against faust. Is 5 cards a good price to pay for 5c and continue the run? Pretty awesome. Works great against Eater too, since the runner needs 7c before gain 5c back...before the runner encounters it is a great time to rez a Product Placement.

Tollbooth - Its always a great ICE. Always.

Troll - Since there is no sub to break, this is a awesome card to keep removing the runner credits or clicks. But dont go poor buffing its trace all the time.

18 Aug 2015 say200426

why not 15 min?

18 Aug 2015 Mechanoise

Automatic like for the Black Mirror reference!

18 Aug 2015 Diegofsv

@say200426 I had one, but with so many Noise and parasites out there, I decided for a granted Chronos Project.

@Mechanoise Thx, I always see Spark Agency: Worldswide Reach ability as those pesky ads throughout the episode.