Full Weyland

Diogene 4240

Only Weyland cards, no neutral, no influence. This aim to follow up after the "Debutante" serie. By using only in-faction cards, you get to see some strenghts and weakness of the faction. Also, it is a fun challenge. Tell me if there is a way to make it better, while using only in-faction cards.

SSO Industries

It was interesting to experience that, for a rich corp like Weyland, it was actually not that easy to make the deck work... because creds were slow to come by.

To solve the issue, I decided to use SSO Industries: Fueling Innovation with the different space ices. Space ices rez for free, so you have 9 ices that could be rezzed for free, after you put 3 tokens on them. Surveyor will let you build a nice glacier, Akhet is good with City Works Project and Hortum will let you have some AI hate.

You only need 2 remote. One scoring remote and one for Worlds Plaza. Expo Grid will let you a small drip econ.
