Just trying to combo out (2/5 @ EMEA 2024)

cros 273

While preparing for EMEA I found myself struggling with corps, I felt like they were too inconsistent and they needed to draw well to win fast or lose slowly.

After Knob-Loup was gone I started testing combo PE and It worked out a bit splitting wins between runner's misplays and combing out.

The aim of the deck is to have a proactive gameplan that leads to a kill after scoring an agenda, with the threat of Overwriters. Last minute change was 2nd Neurospike over the 2nd End of the Line because I was killing much less with with See How They Run than with other agendas.

Something went wrong on the weekend since I played against some careful and experienced player that shut down my deck but also against careless players who simply ran the correct card every time I was setting up a kill.

Thanks to everybody who attended this wonderful event and to Atien, judges and volunteers that made it possible