SYNC Casting Call v2.0

InsetoVermelho 113

In portuguese-brazilian.

Pontos interessantes:

Não precisa ter medo de Cyberdex Virus Suite. Proteja o remoto com no máximo 2 ICE. De preferência na ordem do combo acima. Seu HQ e R&D (de preferência o R&D) será muito atacado. Proteja-o bem com Archangel e utilizando Jackson Howard.

Sobre Midseason Replacements um erro básico é sempre colocar muitos pontos no trace. Apenas jogue com bastante inteligência. Não consuma todos os créditos. Deixe uns 5-6 créditos na reserva por conta de Scorched Earth. Basicamente é um jogo que você vencerá facilmente por Flatline, combos com Traffic Accident + Scorched Earth. Porém ainda eu estou para elaborar uma versão 3 deste baralho com Shattered Remains.

Quando o Runner rouba agenda:

  • Precisa pagar 4 créditos (NAPD Contract).
  • Você pode ganhar 5 créditos (Explode-a-palooza).
  • Psychografics. (Avançar 5x com uma carta).
  • Midseason (Colocar 5+ tags).

Quando o Runner tem tag:

  • Trash Assets.
  • Avança X pontos.
  • Zera créditos da pilha.
  • Meat Damage
18 May 2016 catch8088

Interesting points: Casting Call + any agenda + Data Raven. Casting Call + any agenda + Turnpike. Casting Call + any agenda + Special Offer. Casting Call + any agenda + Resistor.

You don't have to be afraid of Virus Cyberdex Suite. Protect the remote with a maximum of 2 ICE. Preferably in the order the combo above. Your HQ and R&D (preferably R&D) will be attacked a lot. Protect it well with Archangel and using Jackson Howard.

About Midseason Replacements, a basic error is always put a lot of points in the trace. Just play intelligently. Do not consume all credits. Let some 5-6 credits in reserve because of Scorched Earth. Basically it's a game that you win easily by Flatline, combos with Traffic Accident + Scorched Earth. I'm still developing a version 3 of this deck with Shattered Remains.

When the Runner steals an agenda: He needs to pay 4 credits (NAPD Contract). You can earn 5 credits (Explode-a-palooza). Psychographics. (5 Advance with a click). Midseason (Put 5 + tags).

When the Runner is tagged: Trash Assets. Advance X points. Closed Accounts. Meat Damage.