Has Bioroid 1.0

skoud 1

7 Feb 2015 Sathoon

This is often a hard question for me, but what is the deck designed to do?

There's no real focus anywhere, least of all agendas.

Do you want to run a HB glacier? Eliza's Toybox is a good start, but you need to trim the more random ICE (looking at the Neural katanas, curtain wall and minelayer) and upgrades like Shell corporation, strongbox and stick with either Heinlein grid or Ruhr valley but not both.

Bioroid fast-advance? I've used Director Haas to good effect, even if she becomes an enormous bulls-eye. Self-destruct is like a big C4 nappie for the company execs :)

Do you want to kill the runner with brain damage? Victors, Janus, Fenris and occasionally Zed can help this. To make that work though you need to have means to force the runner into the trap. I'd look at Enhanced Login Protocol over Lag Time for the fact I've ran quite a bit of Haas-Bioroid: Stronger Together and the +1 strength (on Ice with the 'Bioroid' subtype) really isn't that much on it's own compared to the efficiency of Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future .

Point is though, you need to have a clear win condition/bag of tricks. I can't recommend any single podcast (as they're all pretty good), but I'd definitely recommend you find one you like and go from there (and have fun).