DamonFork (Post-MWL2 Cutlery Whizzard)

TheBigBoy 8950

Why did I even try playing anything else…

This deck is still awesome. After getting hit by the MWL for an impressive 7 influence, the power of its core strategy still shows. Losing all 3 of the Clone Chips from the last build is a huge deal, but every NBN deck losing 2 Astroscripts is just as big of one.

If you are somehow not yet familiar with this deck, here is the game-plan:

  • Open the game setting up a nice economic cushion and (hopefully) your draw engine.
  • Poke early (with a pressure card if necessary) to provoke rezzes and get slow-Parasites working.
  • Use the threat of the Faust-D4v1D anti-rush combo to force the Corp to create an uncomfortably expensive remote server.
  • Choose to either destroy that entire server and then pressure HQ along with any new server that pops up, OR set up an R&D lock by destroying all the ICE on R&D and any replacement ICE that the Corp puts there. DO NOT choose the latter strategy unless you are confident the Corp is not currently holding enough points to win the game (of course this is sometimes not a straightforward judgment call and is the one in which most of the skill in piloting the deck lies).
  • During all of this, use Whizzard to destroy ALL long-term economy assets the Corp tries to establish, so that replacing their ICE will be as painful as possible.

With the perception that this archetype would not survive the July MWL update, a lot of players have begun to gravitate towards some of this deck’s best match-ups (RP, various Asset spam decks).

There are some new faces in the line-up that I’ll explain here:

1 Bhagat – This guy goes 1x at least in every non-tag-me Anarch deck I build now. The pressure he creates all game long is impressive. He goes best in a deck that would normally have very little HQ pressure, which is exactly what this deck is. Forcing the Corp to put an ICE on a server that may not even have any agendas in it is huge for your ICE denial strategy.

1 Kati Jones – With FastroBiotics basically out of the picture, we can slot a bit more slow-and-potent economy to help fight Hard Hitting News and Midseason’s traces. If you get Kati down early against Glacier it can actually indirectly feed Faust since you will be able to discard more of your economy cards.

1 Grimoire (0 Turntable) – I’m not too concerned about 1x Astroscript and 2 MU is actually SUPER useful for this deck (you actually kind of need it in match-ups where you have to install the mimic). Powering up Parasites and Mediums is a nice bonus. That said, you don’t go over 4 MU until quite late in the game so 1 copy of this is fine. DON’T DISCARD IT AGAINST GLACIER! The regret will be real if you do…

1 Déjà vu – 0 Clone Chips means some kind of recursion substitute is nice. Usually you get double Parasite, but you can also recur any silverware event, a D4v1D, or even your Levy if you somehow goofed up and lost it.

2 Employee Strike – OK so I know I said we didn’t need this card against IG and Gagarin, but now we DO need it for NBN: Controlling the Message. Luckily the current builds of CtM are pretty fragile and if you see the strike in the first 5 turns of the game they usually crumble. Between this and the Museum/Temple nerfs, anyone still trying to make their Mumbad City Hall prison deck work should be a free win. Strike also plays some nice soft-denial against Palana Foods and HB: Engineering the Future.

This list currently has 0 Plascretes because I’m not sure how much kill will be around given the Astro and Breaking News hits. If kill is a big deal then a cut should be made for a Plascrete (possibly the 2nd forked, the Déjà vu, or the 2nd Medium).

Remember, burn it ALL down. Anarchs for life :)

image The Hero We Need

26 Jul 2016 SourSweet

Rebirth into Kim as a Little surprise if needed? Always going to be a strong deck ✌

26 Jul 2016 Saan

Don't see a good influence that I'd rather was a Rebirth in this list. The only real candidate is the second Employee Strike, and I think you want second Employee more often than you'd want to be a worse identity.

26 Jul 2016 bubbathegoat

Are you still seeing enough big ICE to merit the 2 D4v1d (particularly at 2 influence)? Previously there was a lot of Wraparound and Turing, but I've been seeing both much less in MWL2.

26 Jul 2016 ericbtool

he doesn't have an influence and barely a card to spare for anything else. The only consideration is dropping a medium for another Vu or SoT

26 Jul 2016 JamesG

Do you miss turntable against Palana ( considering the lack of Pol op) and Sync? Imho, I don't think the virus acceleration and the extra MU provided by Grimoire is worth the prime level bs that turntable allows you to do

26 Jul 2016 TheBigBoy

Honestly I can't remember the last time Turntable did something for me against PF.

26 Jul 2016 bubbathegoat

I liked Turntable when there was lots of NEH FA, but no Clot in the list. It was even still good when EOI SYNC became an archetype, but I think (hope) that NBN will not be the 50%+ of the top cut that it has been for so long.

Outside of EoI NBN, I don't think Turntable will do a lot of work in the current meta. It was great when we needed to get astro tokens away from the corp, but without the Astro chain, the need for TT is much diminished.

I love Grimoire and really like the +1 virus counter for Parasite and DS. They add up when you play 5+ Parasites in a game. Do you think you'll consider corroder with the extra MU and fewer Wraparounds?

27 Jul 2016 gozik

How about slums vs CtM?

27 Jul 2016 Alphr

Thoughts on what change would be made in a still NBN heavy meta? The Auckland Regionals in New Zealand last weekend was MWL2.0 and the NBN made a huge showing in the tag punishment/EoI lists.

27 Jul 2016 Shmeguy

I don't really like the 3cr on Grimoire. Have you tried Vigil? It looks like alot of these horizontal decks always finish on 5 cards because of Sensie/Heritage Committee

27 Jul 2016 TheBigBoy

@gozikslums is OK, but they can kill it if you get hit by a lucky HHN. Strike works even if you have to go tagme, and it's also relevant against other decks.

@AlphrDon't play this deck in SYNC meta. It's winnable, but something else would probably be better.

@dculIf sensie is staying in play you're doing it wrong. 2 MU is really really nice.

29 Jul 2016 meta4

With the loss of the clone chips this deck seems like it struggles against program trashing via Keegan or Marcus Batty. Have you played against a mass-Batty program trashing deck?

I also wonder about your choice of Liberated Accounts over Day Job. They are very similar economically, but Day Job only needs 2 creds to activate, whereas Lib needs 6. That alone seems like a good reason to try Day Job.

30 Jul 2016 moistloaf

@trevaur DJ is a bit awkward once your draw engine is online because you lose your whole turn after being fed 2 new cards. this deck would rather make a run with extraneous cards than pitch them for no reason

30 Jul 2016 Windave

ZZZZZZZ why more of the same is on deck of the week?

31 Jul 2016 TheBigBoy

@Windavebecause some people like playing Anarch?

31 Jul 2016 Windave

@TheBigBoy I don't have a problem with that. But why making it deck of the week when there are new ideas out there to highlight

31 Jul 2016 TheBigBoy

@Windavebecause more people voted for this one?

1 Aug 2016 Mechanoise

@Windave The system create a decklist of the week based on the number of votes, as opposed to a group who decide what should be DOTW. This would be a relevant Whizzard deck for upvoting because it is the winning "Dumblefork" formula that has been adapted for the new MWL.

@TheBigBoy While I'm here. Not been a fan of Whizzard, but cudos on the deck.

2 Aug 2016 matthopkins

When rumour mill comes out, is it worth including and if so, what would you cut for it?

5 Aug 2016 Bandura

Estrike is also clutch against CI

5 Aug 2016 lunchmoney

"Estrike is also clutch against CI" I don't know what this means.

5 Aug 2016 Mechanoise

@lunchmoney I think they mean that Employee Strike is also good at completely disabling Cerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers.

5 Aug 2016 lunchmoney

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the translation :)

30 Aug 2016 theOTHERHIVEMIND

do u find you miss street peddler

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