1/10/15 Cloud Cap Winter Tourney 2nd Place: Inkyubeytah!?

nobodyhasthis 1343

Went 5-0. Classic Noiseshop with a couple new tools. Opponents were HB IT department, NEH, NEH Scorch, RP IT Department, Ash/Caprice RP. MVPs in this deck were the two new additions, Incubator and Cujo. Cujo is super bomb in stimshop. Install cost with workshop is effectively free, and it's only two credits less efficient than faerie. Unlike Mimic it's a bendable breaker so it has real synergy with stimhack and needs no datasucker support, preventing lockouts and allowing you to dedicate your sucker tokens to parasites. In a deck that runs more, Mimic is probably the superior breaker, but here Cujo is definitely king. Once all the counters are gone you can pawn Cujo off for a gain of 3 credits. Incubator is always amazing, it doesn't matter where you throw the counters. Pop it on datasucker to save money on a run or trash ice in conjunction with parasite, pop it on parasite for quick ice destruction, pop it on crypsis to save clicks and get in to deep servers, pop it on medium for big digs, pop it on imp for clutch trashes. You can even move it to cache of all things if you really, really need a few credits right now. Its strength is versatility. It's very difficult for the corp to account for everything you can do with it, and they generally get tunnel-vision on medium. Don't expect it to get bigger than three or four though, the purge pressure is real. Possible deck changes: probably go back to wyldeside from Earthrise, but drawing two cards and still having four clicks was always nice. Maybe add another D4v1d, that card is too necessary right now.

14 Jan 2015 Softman25

Yep - Incubator really does seem to be Noise's ticket back into the game.

14 Jan 2015 Dothanite

It feel so weird to see a recent noise with Cache and no Clone Chips. Glad this worked out well for you, I'm going to take it for a spin.

15 Jan 2015 Dydra

I would really swap out 2 mediums for 2x Djinn to fix any mem issues and have my viruses on demand

15 Jan 2015 locusshifter

@nobodyhasthis Instead of Earthrise Hotel or Wyldside, why not Steelskin? I think that will be great for you. As for another D4v1d, perhaps drop an #imp?

I really like your build. Thanks for posting it.

16 Jan 2015 RumpleForeskin

Since you went up against a bunch of IT Dept corps, did you find you wish you had more D4v1ds in your deck? Or was the plan to just mill and run archives once, hoping you had a D4v1d by that time?

16 Jan 2015 Cryoclasm

@locusshifter Steelskin: Probably, because it is a tournament list, and O&C is not released yet?

16 Jan 2015 locusshifter

@Cryoclasm I meant for when it comes out silly billy. :) If you're from the US that's in just a week or two, so it seemed a logical suggestion.

Honestly I think I'd still lean toward Earthrise between it and Wyld, simply because of the s. I'm still not sold on EH though.

16 Jan 2015 Snake Eyes

@locusshifter - unrelated to this deck, but I've been finding Earthrise Hotel to be phenomenal in Criminal. Criminals have a lot of easy ways of making tonnes of money all over the board though. It can get a little dicey in Noise until Aesop's Pawnshop or Cache come out imo!

21 Jan 2015 Cryoclasm

@locusshifter Our Storechamp will be up to Source. That's why I am interested in tournament legal list. O&C will not arrive yet, unfortunately. I am still in doubt if Noise can get after FA NEH or Scorch NEH