Damage report

Spoonfunk 182

Your regular old Making New Scorched earth variant. FA astro's with san sans. Use Breaking News to force the issue when you really want tags on them. The biggest difference between this and other NBN Making News or NEH decks is the ice suite. Basically I want to give a middle finger to stealth rigs and tell them that regardless of what they have on the board (barring Femme of course) they are going to be paying taxes. Data Raven, Troll, Info Overload, Tollbooth and of course pop up all having encountered abilities been that they always have to deal those ice. On top of that add on the Manhunt and you have an incredibly taxing server that rezzes for very little. A control build it takes it hits the hardest early on and tends to run a little poor in cash flow, something that I am trying to fix. The only other addition to the deck is Corporate Shuffle which can get midseasons into my hand faster if they happen to topdeck an agenda and I have the cash. It also gives me a second chance of pull out my meat damage if I want to burn their house down.

I appreciate any feedback and or help as I think this is what I am going to be taking to regionals this year.

15 May 2015 ncaron

Thoughts about Market Research instead of NAPD Contract? Seems that this deck will consistently have the runner tag. Scoring a quick Market Research with Psychographics for 3 points seems good.