The Technical OrAclE

DrMarodi 320

Playing around with the idea of Brahman + Oracle May + Technical Writer + Sahasrara. It gives you a nice econ with considerable amount of installs. I went a little oldschool with Personal Touch on Brahman.

Some choices may seem weird: I only have cards until Quorum.

Any ideas?

3 Nov 2017 x3r0h0ur

Do you have terminal directive? I think maya is much worse than ubax, in fact, its much worse than nearly every console.

3 Nov 2017 DrMarodi

@x3r0h0ur Sadly, I don't have TD. Maya is a cheap 2 MU, this is the only reason I chose it.

3 Nov 2017 Oooer

@DrMarodi I would totally stick with Maya, you may never proc it's ability, but sometimes it is worth it to hide a key operation.

Have you considered equivocation for even more R&D pressure?

3 Nov 2017 Drakeheart

I find the idea quite inspired. The only real issue I have is the lack of pressure on the Central servers. But there's enough Remote Pressure here to make any Corp sweat for their Agendas.

4 Nov 2017 DrMarodi

@Oooer: I will test equivocation for how it works in this deck. The MU can be tricky however.

@Drakeheart: thx. I will try to find some more ways to pressure the centrals. I had one version with The Gauntlet.

4 Nov 2017 rex_monolith

I've been working on a similar idea, as someone has said Ubax is great despite being only 1 memory. Also consider Autoscripter to get the reinstall click free and possibly Egret. I was using Imp but found the inability to trigger the refresh via Brahman and the memory pressure too much.

4 Nov 2017 rex_monolith

I should also have said that while Ubax is great it doesn't work with Oracle May in this set up. I think my final version ended up using Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman and some Dhegdheer to get around the memory issues (which could also be used to drive Brahman if unoccupied).