Wonderland Kate

SourSweet 26

Self explained cards. Jack/Patron and a Magnum should go out fast. Had aloot of success and fun with this dec against all ids and the variations of it on Jintek. Losses mainly because of bad choices, No tournaments played yet. Need to get down to 46 cards, don't know what to cut or add.

A more enjoyable Descript will pop up later

11 Jul 2016 esutter479

-1 Hopper, -1 Trade-In. I doubt those cards will have too much impact.

12 Jul 2016 mrgoldendeal

I'd rather keep the Sports Hopper than the Plascrete Carapace, since link is a pretty big part of the deck. I'd probably turn the 2x Plascrete 1x Hopper into 2 Hoppers, no Plascrete, and drop the Feedback Filter.

Without some other benefit (Desperado, Data Sucker, etc.) I'm not sure about the value of Jak/Patron though. In the amount of setup time you could probably have drawn into the pieces you need with Quality Time and/or Deuces Wild.

12 Jul 2016 SourSweet

a small change then - 1 Employee Strike - 1 Hopper -1 Feedback Filter + 1 Political Operative

Plascrete works fine with Trade In to get the Nexus out quicker, and once and a while u bump into a meat dmg deck again (way to often i may say) Jack is incredible good to keep the corps econ down due to face checking, as a fourth click! and with patron as a drawing engine. and Jack is also op with Nexus, but hell! Jack is OP cause of an extra free run that u can always use somewhere, but in combo with Nex or Patron its gooood. The Hopper is not needed yes, thought it was good to get the Link\Card Drawing out for my drip econ, but it wasn't. Feedbacks something u can be without, Net dmg is something u usually can handle if u play smart. one extra Political because I've lost against Psi way to many times, the political actually improved my winning rate. You guys should try the deck out a few times... its really good @esutter479 @mrgoldendeal

12 Jul 2016 SourSweet

any tip of improvement @CodeMarvelous @TheBigBoy ?

12 Jul 2016 TheBigBoy

With no Test Run and only 2 Magnums, you will only find Magnum in your opener about 71% of the time (if you mulligan for it or SMC exclusively). This is going to make for about 20% of games where you get an unplayably clunky draw. Just adding the 3rd magnum would get this number up to 78% and is definitely worth it.

12 Jul 2016 SourSweet

Ty @TheBigBoy econ insurence. actually got a better Econ flow now, didn't think about that, just hoped for an Self-modifying Code and went on with that, which made the deck start slower