Less Malleable MaxX (1st PDX, 1st/2nd SEA Regionals 2018)

ramus 309

This deck (and minor variations) and got me first place at Portland and second place at Seattle. It also got @podoboyz99 first place at Seattle.

This is an iteration of the deck I took to US Nationals. As I played the deck more I realized I wanted Find the Truth on the table more often than not, so I reduced the focus on Reclaim flexibility and went up to 2 FTT. FTT both forces the Corp to defend all of their servers if they want to deny free looks at R&D and has good synergy with Clan Vengeance by avoiding the need to run R&D to snipe agendas depending on the situation.

Key changes from previous version:

  • FTT/Reclaim as described above.
  • Rebirth: This card is rather key versus PU and can be used for Skorp (depending on how the early game goes).
  • Hacktivist Meeting Scarcity can hurt quite a bit if you can't get it off the table quickly, and cutting Career Fair made this an easier inclusion. Bonus points against asset based decks.
  • 3 Stimhack: Two Stimhacks is never the correct choice.

Deck variations: