[Startup] Drain their coffers

1c3m4n 1

Goal of the deck is to prevent the corp from being able to rez the ICE, and punishing them for not rezzing the ICE. Multiple cards let you bypass the ICE, or make the corp pay and arm and a leg for rezzing: the runner identity, Tread Lightly, Inside Job, and Xanadu. En Passant punishes the corp for not rezzing the card.

If they are able to rez the ICE, Emergency Shutdown helps take it back down. Was debating about throwing in a Tranquilizer or Botulus to help with ICE bypass, although need to open up space for influence with the former. As it is, a lot of potential economy generation in this deck which could be swapped out for more tools.

This is my first deck I've made - happy to take comments and criticisms.

9 Nov 2023 Bodacious

Good game, though I have to admit that I don't like Lucky Find. Ultimately, you are merely using two simple markings, and it consumes two influences. I would prefer to use Starlight Crusade Funding to play it. hill climb racing In passing, it would be good if you could make your hands visible to us, the audience.