Simply shoot the runner (Startup)

zoey 20

This deck is fairly straight forward. You ice up, first click to advance is just a free credit and makes your ice stronger. Build a single big scoring remote that is usually occupied by wall to wall and defend R&D/HQ well. Dig for punitives and money as hard as you can so you can afford to shoot the runner out of the game when they steal an agenda.

Money is a big thing for this deck. You always want to be as rich as possible and that means sometimes not rezzing big ice if you don't have to. Sometimes it's better to just have more money in the bank. That includes not rezzing cayambe unless you're planning on scoring out of your remote sometime soon.

The main threat that changes your plans is Tāo Salonga. If you're up against him you definitely don't want to install more than one Ice Wall or any Afshar because as soon as agendas happen they make your defense worse.