(One Core) Old School TWIY Astrobiotics.

JAK 375

Quick, TWIY, Astrobiotics. This uses a single Core, and can be a decent base to make a tournament deck. It's instantly improved by swapping a 4/2 for a third Astro, if you can borrow one. (It would possibly be better as Market Research, PSF, or NAPD .)

If you don't have the Fast Track, cut it. Smaller decks get drawn through faster.

I played a version of this in tournaments requiring 50 minute timed rounds, when I'm trying to play a complicated, fun runner deck. (Not mentioning any Professors.) You can play this deck quickly.

Swap Character Assassination and a TGBT for Astro and Breaking, if you can. But this deck is super-playable otherwise, and will let you get to grips with some basic NBN FA ideas.

There's not much tag punishment, and a fair bit of tagging. This is partially because runners get scared of tagging cards. Partially because playing a Psychographics doesn't quite work. But Closed Accounts is great, as is killing their resources. And a PSF doesn't do nothing. But it almost does.

The Win Is Yours. (Terms and Conditions may apply.)

17 Dec 2014 dtelad11

Pretty cool to see a one-core take on AstroBiotics. Going for that plan with just two Biotic Labors/AstroScript and only one SanSan is brave.

Assuming you have a playset of everything other than cores - you might want to shuffle the ice mix a bit to promote the core plan. Ditch Tollbooth and Data Raven in favor of cheaper and/or ETR ice such as Guard and more Quandary. Maybe include Grim as another nasty surprise. Also, why Char Assasination and not NAPD? The 4c could buy you time to FA.

17 Dec 2014 JAK

@dtelad11 I have nearly everything. The Core does have three Biotic Labors, but that's too much for TWIY's influence.

TWIY is great for getting things together, both through smaller decksize, and through bigger handsize. There are 7 card drawers in the deck, 1/6th of all cards, and Fast Track. It's not that hard to get an Astro out.

I should probably have Market Research over Character Assassination, but F&L's the one datapack I don't have.

The Tollbooths are really great for shutting down runners who've seen a lot of Ice Walls and Pop-Ups and aren't expecting something big. Plus it keeps them poor. (Actually, in this deck, SanSan's mostly something to keep the Runner poor -- better as a threat than actually playing it.)

I think -2 Data Raven, +2Guard's probably worthwhile. I like having a tagging subtheme to keep runners wary. It's a decent deck for non-tuned play, at a local night, or at a casual tournament. Also, if you want to introduce M:tG players to Netrunner, this is the sort of deck they might like -- all card draw and combo.