Ladies don't click for cash - Cards up to Honor and Profit

Urziel 79

Constraints: Deck built with a limited card pool:

  • Core
  • Genesis Cycle
  • Creation and Control
  • Honor and Profit

Core concepts:

  • Click-less economy supplemented by runs (security testing, desperado and dirty laundry)
  • Andromeda is afraid of dying - so decoy/crash space for tags and Plastcrete and Muresh (for Role Play more than for actual card usefulness!); net shield for PE and Snare!
  • math: with 49 cards in deck and 9 cards being drawn in the first turn you have almost 50% to draw a card if you have 3 of these in your deck - that's why you have 4 links (67% in initial hand) and a lot of other economic cards
  • you should have plenty of credits for running, key point is to force corp to use credits for rezzing ice - so you can derez it later forcing corp to pay again.

Good starting hand:

  • Sure gamble / Dirty Laundry (only with Desperado as well) - your economic boost - it's a must!
  • Security testing (especially with desperado) + dirty laundry for the next turn
  • Link (at least 1 out of 4 in deck) + Contact
  • Any number of daily casts


  • mulligan if you don't have good starting hand
  • 1st round is a key - you need to use 4 cards to maximum efficiency - to kickstart your economy and to prepare do runs as quickly as possible
  • vs NBN - you can put a lot of links in play; consider replacing carpace with compromised employee
  • vs fast advance decks - bleed'em dry - forged activation orders / account siphon and crescentus / emergency shutdown can help a lot
  • vs kill decks - as above + carapace and crash space - pressure on assets is the key - melange mining corp can kill you faster than you think
  • try to keep decoy on board if you are low on cash
19 Apr 2017 Kutpurse

Is there any cards you could take out or any to add for a Super version of the deck?

19 Apr 2017 Urziel

Hi @Kutpurse

Depends what you want to sacrifice

The easiest option is to drop The Helpful AI, Muresh Bodysuit, Crash Space and HQ Interface.

You can remove Decoy and Crash Space or one Plascrete Carapace if you keep Crash Space - but staying alive is top priority for Andromeda.

Dropping The Helpful AI would free 2 influence, but I have no idea yet for what I would use these extra points.

For purpose of drawing at least one link in the first rund you have 50% to get one (vs. 57% with extra 4 cards). Still she can run decent economy even without Underworld Contact in play.

Deck went fine today against aggressive kill deck from Weyland (Hi Aramaki!), much to my surprise Muresh Bodysuit was actually helpful!

Adding extra cards will dilute your chances for drawing what you need (econ at first later breakers / special order) so I'm not sure if expanding even further is a viable option - but that's just statistics

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