Chi siete? Cosa portate? Quanti siete? 1 NET DAMAGE! ( PU I

Drager 305

The title roughly traslates to "Who are you? What do you bring? How may are you there? ONE NET DAMAGE!" quoting the famous (famous in Italy, at least) scene from the Italian film "Non ci resta che piangere" (with Benigni and Troisi)

one net damage

(to get the joke, here is the full scene in youtube)

Every PU ever brings Obokata Protocol as a unicorn. We go the other way around. We do not wait to inflict pain. WE BRING THE DAMAGE TO THEM. And if they, for one second, think to bring our infrastructure down.. surpriese surprise.. it's an Hostile one.

This deck went 4-1 at a local store championship in Genova. The one loss was by time against a turn 2 Indexing by Smoke (i would not score an agenda, if needed, unless turn 3 or four). One of the win was against an Alice deck that facechecked my singleton Chiyashi with 3 card in hand. The first 2 net dam missed his I've Had Worse and the second 2 killed him. Behind my ice, the winning agenda (for both of us).

The gameplan is simple. Protect R&D, SPAM THEM OUT. Bio-Ethics protected by Hokusai Grid Hostile Infrastructure with Breaker Bay Grid to rez them for free. They trash your assets you say? The infamous combo Whampoa Reclamation + Shannon Claire can bring everithyng back on the table with little to no effort. (Activate Whampoa at the end of the runner turn to get a Hosatile\Bio-Ethics under your deck - after the mandatory draw, use Shannon to welcome back the pieces you need in your hand and install them all over again).

I know this deck is counting on the surprise factor. And the old days of Spicy Chicago Meatballs is no more. Now if they trash Shannon, Whampoa and THEN bring down the pieces, you can always (maybe not always. it's still a singleton) score behind a Chiyashi (can they afford it after spending so much?) But i kept that idea of meatballs alive with my deck, and the runner face when they see a Shannon Claire is priceless.