Q: Kill Or Score A:YES // 1st At Gent CO

Legality (show more)
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
Repartition by Strength
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet
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Deck Origin and Development

I wanted to bave a Core damage theme for this CO, bringing Esa as runner and Salvo testing HB as my Corp.
Manicmoleman introduced me to a MirrorMorph deck, which served as the foundation for this deck.

Making my Own Deck

To incorporate a more proactive kill plan, I adopted a more asset-based approach and included Public Trail and End of the Line.
Economic Warfare was a late addition but proved effective in hindering runners who attempted to trash my assets.


While this is by no means a Tier 1 deck, successfully scoring a Salvo into Ontological Dependence provides a satisfying experience.

For more logical deckbuilding changes, consider modifying the agenda suite as follows:
- Salvo Testing -> Ikawah Project
- Ontological Dependence -> Offworld Office

Thanks to everyone for the enjoyable games!

24 Jun 2024 theoneakaneo

congrats on the W with this heavy pile of mayhem :)

24 Jun 2024 ayyyliens

This pile of garbage heard us talking shit during swiss

25 Jun 2024 FREDPI

@theoneakaneo Thanks :-),

@ayyyliens if you believe in the hearth of the cards, nothing can defeat you.

27 Jun 2024 AlPi

What a beauty!