Eis Shards

pmelvin 1

This is my first deck built based upon Geist and Shards, I wanted to see if they could counter some of the kill decks that I seem to be up against.

2 Feb 2017 x3r0h0ur

Ironically, eden is the one that would beat the combo decks. If you have the 3 inf, you should do -1 alias +1 faust at least too.

2 Feb 2017 pmelvin

Thanks I will try that, hostage\drive by also didn't really work so will be changing those as well

3 Feb 2017 x3r0h0ur

I would say if you insist on having events in those slots, 1-2 career fair can be good, easy access to temujin, pitching 2 cards for value on accidental over draws, and you can surprise hades from 4 credits, a sick play to steal wins :P otherwise, I'd suggest cutting hostage for +1 marron and +1 same old thing (2 is good even without siphon).

Drive by can be kept as a 1 one of, maybe include the 3rd crescentus, or a passport in the second drive by's slot. I've found with FiHP drive by's value goes way down. If you bail all together, -2 drive by +1 crescentus +1 passport/peregrine seems pretty good.

I'd strongly suggest siphon, especially with how good Aaron is. Here is my current competitive list, if you want some inspiration.


3 Feb 2017 pmelvin

thanks again @x3r0h0ur, I will be getting rid of Drive By and Hostage for some others.

You mentioned 'Account Siphon over Temüjin Contract, is that for the swing rather than the money I assume?