The Heart of the Code

CodeMarvelous 20021

Looking for help with my first real professor deck in a while

27 Jun 2014 JWHamner

With Personal Workshop you probably want Stimhack over the 2nd Datasucker. With so many 2 MU breakers you also probably want 3x Leprechaun.

27 Jun 2014 CodeMarvelous

what would the leprecans replace?

27 Jun 2014 CodeMarvelous

Marco that would fundamentally change this deck. i dont want to throw stuff away I wanna put it on the workshop

27 Jun 2014 PeekaySK

In my experience, you'd be better served with 3x Modded over the Workshops and two more Opuses over the Katis.

Also, after blowing all of your influence on Suckers ( :p ), not packing Atman feels like a gross oversight.

The Prof's biggest strength is that he can easily play several extremely different games with the same set of 45 cards. You're not really using that, due to your program selection.

27 Jun 2014 JWHamner

I would probably go -2 The Toolbox. It's just so expensive... and then probably -1 Rook, as the Prof really can't play the denial game, to find room for the the Leprechauns.

I have not played with Leprechauns yet though, so I don't know if the potential of +3 MU for 2 credits is worth having to wait until you draw them to start building your rig... though the fact that you are running 3x Scavenge helps a lot.