Accidental Esa (1st and undefeated at NANPC SF)

Ebrey 303

This list is tuno’s EMEA Esa with some intentional changes and some accidental. The tournament did not require a deck list, so I didn’t check my deck beforehand, and had made a few changes I didn’t quite intend! This version is still quite good though…

Intentional changes: I switched the two pinholes to Bahia Bands, as I liked the flexibility to trash assets against asset spam, remove tags against NBN, and draw cards in all matchups. I also liked that it cost 2 credits, as I often struggled to spend Mystic Maemi credits and had to trash random cards. I was quite happy with this change! With light the fire, you don’t need pinhole for skunkvoid.

Semi-intentional: I tested swapping buzzsaw for botulus, but didn’t have a strong opinion on it. I probably would’ve switched back to Buzzsaw if I had looked through my deck, but honestly the Botulus was not bad, except for the time that I installed it on a tatu bola against Big Deal PD. Not sure which I will play next time!

Totally accidental: I couldn’t find my copy of retrieval run when building this deck for a casual meetup, and had totally forgot about it when it came time for the tourney. Luckily the deck had been 47 cards, so it’s still totally legal at 46. I don’t endorse this change, but it didn’t give me any problems on the day, possibly because I never played against SDS.

Esa is the runner I recommend to anyone who isn’t big brained enough to play World Tree Arisanna. It has a good-to-great matchup with just about every corp, and doesn’t require you to learn the ins and outs of every matchup.

Tournament Recap

I beat two different players on Reeducation Azmari in Swiss, and the same player twice on Big Deal PD (Swiss and first round of cut) to win the tournament. Both decks I beat once by points and once by mill. Those Azmaris are 40 cards, and the PDs draw a lot, so mill is a great way to avoid punitive counterstrike or an Ablative on archives allowing some shenigans.

The highlight of the tournament was the cut game against Limes’ PD. I had gotten Begemot up to 6 strength to make Bran a cakewalk, but he was at 4 points and installed a card behind Bran and some other ice, then played NEXT Activation Command to give his ice 2 more strength. I was worried of losing to a double Seamless-ed Ikawah, so I played Labor Rights to shuffle 2 Running Jot into a 9 card deck, then installed Dr Nuka, drew 3 cards on my 3rd click and found a Tunning Hot. I played that, Nuka-ed again to find the other Running Hot, and played that to get up to 6 core damage and 8 strength. I then ran the server, which turned out to be just a 2 pointer anyway. I now had such a small deck that I could labor rights some more Chastuskas in though, so I milled him out.

My corp was also tuno-based, Ob.

23 Jul 2024 somefish

I was your Round 1 Azmari opponent :) thanks for helping me out! Loved how you sparked out a Botulus, said “oh. Haha oops!” and WON that turn with 9 points! Awesome runs!

What are your thoughts on the ICC tuno Esa, which is SPARK45 (0x Finality 0x Light the Fire) instead of SPARK47. If you were to play in another tournament would you want the consistency of 45 or the tech cards of a 47?

You didn’t get a chance to see my Esa, which was SPARK46 (1x Finality, 2x Labor Rights, 3x Running Hot). It was my first time playing with a Buzzsaw in Esa and it felt great! I ended up never using my Retrieval Run, so still figuring out the playlines there.

24 Jul 2024 AlvinCarlson

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25 Jul 2024 Ebrey

@somefishI think cutting Light the Fire might be ok, but then you probably need to keep the pinholes. And I like having 1 Finality - I always mosh it if I see it early, but it's great to play late!

I like 3 Labor Rights because I often draw a couple of them early and lose them to damage. I almost never play Ashen Epilogue because it's so expensive and gives me less control than Labor Rights - I was actually considering cutting that, rather than a 3rd Labor Rights.

25 Jul 2024 somefish

@Ebrey some times I am tempted to do a value Ashen Epilogue whenever Mystic Maemi ticks up too high, but I definitely feel like the deck benefits from seeing the entire deck before the Ashen Epilogue. I do struggle with using the credits on Maemi as well.

I’d love to see the stats on the game win% when Ashen is drawn and game win% when Ashen is played. It seems win-more, or at least tech versus a nonexistent, nonmeta PE deck.

Thanks for the tip on the Light the Fire! / Pinhole Threading slot.