Komet 1.0

SenGonzo 1

Goal 1:

I want to try a variant of Prepaid Kate that fits my personal play style and breaker preferences.

I tend to perfer decks with effienct usage breakers that I don't have to trash to use. If the game progresses late Magnum Opus ensures a renewable late game economy. Unfortunately, it has a little anti-synergy with the breaker suite do to the memory breakdown (looking at you Garrote). I'm going to try to tweak this as I get more table time in with the deck.

This is a touch slower than many Blitz Kate decks that are floating around my little meta, and you definitely feel the down tick in speed.

Goal 2:

I think Comet is going to see play somewhere. For decks which play two events a turn it's a free click with some funky timing implications. I'm not really exploring all the timing oddities that may be Comet's real strength, but I figured this was a decent place to start my experimenting with a card I think is both fun and very solid.