IP lawyer installing out of turn (Racine, WI Districts)

vvvvvendetta 2

The plan

Built around installing on the runner's turn to trigger A Teia's ability so we never have to click to install in the remotes. Whenever I was tempted to stray, I centered myself on the rush I felt in testing when I installed Longevity Serum with Ansel 1.0 on the runner's last click and scoring it the next turn.

  • ICE and Daruma, which provide installs (and swaps from HQ, which are installs)
  • Jinja City Grid providing installs when drawing, so we can install for free whenever we draw at beginning of turn or on the runner's turn, with enough draw to fuel it.

As Booshy wrote in 2024, HQ will frequently be low on cards after all those installs, so Snare! punishes running HQ.

How it went

One win out of three matches!

  • Snare! won me the final round of swiss after Flower Sermon put it on top of R&D. It would have won me an earlier match when a runner multi-accessed two Snare!s if I hadn't been broke at the time 😭
  • wasn't paying attention to what the runners were doing (the text is so small!) and let them easily hit all three centrals for Deep Dive and even Jeitinho🗡️ (two different runners) over and over again. At the very least, I should have iced Archives earlier. Would you believe both dives whiffed?
  • turned the remotes into Jinja City glaciers I couldn't afford (RIP the IP Recovery division's Jinja City satellite office after rotation). Runners ignored them even though there was no chance I could rez the ice
  • first install of the game, I accidentally placed it face-up. Twice, I flipped the wrong card face up. I'm still building muscle memory for playing Netrunner with paper, which is embarrassing at a tournie

Everyone was super cool and I only felt a little intimidated at my first card tournament in a decade. I hope to make it to another event or meetup soon!